








Architecture of the Prototype

The ScanMaris system is structured in three data processing layers. Each of them elaborates added value traffic pictures for the detection of abnormal behaviour.

Figure 4 provides the ScanMaris layers (3 & 4) in a global system architecture.




Figure 4: ScanMaris architecture

The ScanMaris solution is made up from data treatment tools to cross and amalgamate the measured ships’ kinematics data in a global traffic picture, and auxiliary information in order to establish and to maintain a global enriched tactical picture compilation of the sea traffic, the training methods and the models which exploit these pictures. This is organized in order to acquire a better permanent knowledge of the flows of transported goods, with an aim to improving its follow-up, and the rules of investigation to detect irregularities like the flows of illicit products, disasters, violations of regulation, etc.

This system and transverse approach of the maritime safeguard at the borders (Homeland Safety and Protection against actions of the malevolent type) calls upon multi-field competences which are capitalized in a grouping of complementary partners. The partners are industrialists (DCNS, SOFRESUD, and Private cnie, ECOMER), academics (IRIT, ENMP, ONERA, Centre of Maritime Law and Transport) as well as operational actors of the maritime safeguard (Prescriber and Operators of the Maritime Businesses Direction of the Ministry for Transport).

For the enriched traffic picture compilation, the heterogeneous data treated, crossed and amalgamated are: