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International [JI]

  1. J. El Haouari, J.-M. Gaucel, C. Pittet, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "In-Flight Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions Using Sparse Representations," Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2024. Under review.

  2. C. Boniece, P. Abry, G. Didier, H. Wendt, "On high-dimensional wavelet eigenanalysis," Annals of Applied Probability, 2024. To appear.

  3. C. Lucas, G. Didier, H. Wendt and P. Abry, "Multivariate selfsimilarity: Multiscale eigen-structures for selfsimilarity parameter estimation," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 25/03/2024. Available online.

  4. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, "Bounds for the Estimation of Matrix-Valued Parameters of a Gaussian Random Process," Signal Proces., vol. 211, pp. 109106, 2023.
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  5. B. Boniece, P. Abry, G. Didier, H. Wendt, "Wavelet eigenvalue regression in high dimensions," Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, vol. 26, pp. 1-32, 2023.

  6. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "A Bayesian framework for multivariate multifractal analysis," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 70, pp. 3663-3675, 2022.
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  7. V. Catrambone, R. Barbieri, H. Wendt, P. Abry, G. Valenza, "Functional brain-heart interplay extends to the multifractal domain," Philos. Trans. Royal Society A, vol. 379, 2021.

  8. D. La Rocca, H. Wendt, V. van Wassenhove, P. Ciuciu, P. Abry, "Fractal Connectivity: Revisiting Functional Connectivity for Infraslow Scale-Free Brain Dynamics using Complex Wavelet," Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 11, pp. 1651, 2021.
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  9. M. Dimiccoli, H. Wendt, "Learning event representations for temporal segmentation of image sequences by dynamic graph embedding," IEEE T. Image Proces., vol. 30, pp. 1476-1486, 2020.

  10. P. Abry, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, G. Didier, "Multivariate scale-free temporal dynamics: From spectral (Fourier) to fractal (wavelet) analysis," Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 489-501, 2019. [available online]

  11. S. Jaffard, S. Seuret, H. Wendt, R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, "Multifractal formalisms for multivariate analysis," Proc. Royal Society A, vol. 475, no. 2229, 2019. [available online]

  12. R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, H. Touchette, "A Generalized Multifractal Formalism for the Estimation of Nonconcave Multifractal Spectra," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 110-119, 2019.

  13. H. Wendt, P. Abry, K. Kiyono, J. Hayano, E. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, "Wavelet p-Leader Non Gaussian Multiscale Expansions for Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Congestive Heart Failure Patients," IEEE T. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 80-87, 2019.

  14. S. Jaffard, S. Seuret, H. Wendt, R. Leonarduzzi, S. Roux, P. Abry, "Multivariate multifractal analysis," Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 653-663, 2019.
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  15. H. Wendt, S. Combrexelle, Y. Altmann, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Multifractal analysis of multivariate images using gamma Markov random field priors," SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1294-1316, 2018.

  16. G. Valenza, H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, J. Hayano, E. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, P. Abry, R. Barbieri, "Mortality Prediction in Severe Congestive Heart Failure Patients With Multifractal Point-Process Modeling of Heartbeat Dynamics," IEEE T. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 2345-2354, 2018.
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  17. R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, Y. Yamamoto, E. Watanabe, J. Hayano, "Scattering Transform of Heart Rate Variability for the Prediction of Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation," Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 141-145, 2018.

  18. H. Wendt, G. Didier, S. Combrexelle, P. Abry, "Multivariate Hadamard self-similarity: testing fractal connectivity," Physica D, vol. 356-357, pp. 1-36, 2017.
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  19. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, N. Dobigeon, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Bayesian selection for the l2-Potts model regularization parameter: 1D piecewise constant signal denoising," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 65, no. 19, pp. 5215-5224, 2017.

  20. R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, "Finite resolution effects in p-leader multifractal analysis," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3359-3368, 2017.

  21. R. Fontunge, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, D. Veitch, K. Cho, P. Borgnat, H. Wendt, "Scaling in Internet Traffic: a 14 year and 3 day longitudinal study, with multiscale analyses and random projections," IEEE/ACM T. Networking, vol. 25, no. 4, 2017.
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  22. N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, P. Abry, N. Dobigeon, "Combining local regularity estimation and total variation optimization for scale-free texture segmentation," IEEE T. Computational Imaging, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 468-479, 2016.
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  23. T. Nakamura, K. Kiyono, H. Wendt, P. Abry, Y. Yamamoto, "Multiscale Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Biomedical Signals and its Clinical Applications," Proc. IEEE, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 242-261, 2016.
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  24. S. Jaffard, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part I: Negative pointwise regularity," Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 300-318, 2016.
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  25. R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part II: Multifractal Analysis. Relations to Detrended Fluctuation Analysis," Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 319-339, 2016.
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  26. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, M. Albinet, C. Goldstein, N. Karouche, "Detection and Correction of Glitches in a Multiplexed Multi-channel Data Stream - Application to the MADRAS Instrument," IEEE T. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2803--2811, 2016.

  27. F. Andersson, M.V. de Hoop, H. Wendt, "Multiscale reverse-time-migration-type imaging using the dyadic parabolic decomposition of phase space," SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 2383-2411, 2015.
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  28. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Bayesian Estimation of the Multifractality Parameter for Image Texture Using a Whittle Approximation," IEEE T. Image Proces., vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 2540-2551, Aug. 2015.

  29. P. Abry, S. G. Roux, H. Wendt, P. Messier, A. G. Klein, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, S. Jaffard, B. Vedel, J. Coddington, L. Daffner, "Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Analysis and Classification of Photographic Prints: Art scholarship meets image processing algorithms," IEEE Signal Proces. Mag., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 18-27, July 2015.

  30. F. Andersson, M. Carlsson, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "A new frequency estimation method for equally and unequally spaced data," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 62, no. 21, pp. 5761-5774, Nov. 2014.

  31. C.R. Johnson, P. Messier, W.A. Sethares, A.G. Klein, C. Brown, A.H. Do, P. Klausmeyer, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, S. Roux, N. Pustelnik, N. van Noord, L. van der Maaten, E. Potsma, J. Coddington, L.A. Daffner, H. Murata, H. Wilhelm, S. Wood, M. Messier, "Pursuing automated classification of historic photographic papers from raking light photomicrographs," Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 159-170, 2014.

  32. M.V. de Hoop, G. Uhlmann, A. Vasy, H. Wendt, "Multi-scale discrete approximations of Fourier integral operators associated with canonical transformations and caustics," SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 566-585, 2013.

  33. P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, "When Van Gogh meets Mandelbrot: Multifractal classification of painting's texture," Signal Proces., vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 554-572, 2013.
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  34. F. Andersson, M.V. de Hoop, H. Wendt, "Multiscale discrete approximation of Fourier integral operators," SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 111-145, 2012.

  35. H. Wendt, S.G. Roux, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, "Wavelet leaders and bootstrap for multifractal analysis of images," Signal Proces., vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 1100-1114, 2009.
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  36. P. Ciuciu, P. Abry, C. Rabrait, H. Wendt, "Log wavelet leaders cumulant based multifractal analysis of EVI fMRI time series: evidence of scaling in ongoing and evoked brain activity," IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Signal Proces., vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 929-943, 2009.
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  37. C. Baek, V. Pipiras, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Second order properties of distribution tails and estimation of tail exponents in random difference equations," Extremes, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 361-400, 2009.

  38. H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, "Bootstrap for empirical multifractal analysis," IEEE Signal Proces. Mag., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 38-48, 2007.
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  39. H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Multifractality tests using bootstrapped wavelet leaders," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 4811-4820, 2007.
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National [JN]

  1. H. Wendt, P. Abry, S.G. Roux, S. Jaffard, B. Vedel, "Analyse multifractale d'image: l'apport des coefficients dominants," Traitement du Signal, vol. 25, no. 4-5, 2009.


International [CI]

  1. Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions in Presence of Radiometric Errors, "J. El Haouari, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, J.-M. Gaucel, C. Pittet," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 2024. To appear.
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  2. On gradient based descent algorithms for joint diagonalization of matrices, "E. Troedsson, M. Carlsson, H. Wendt," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 2024. To appear.
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  3. Longitudinal Cross-Temporal Dynamics in Foreign Exchange via Bayesian Multifractal Analysis, "H. Wendt, P. Abry, Y. Malevergne, M. Senneret, G. Perrin, S. Jaffard," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 2024. To appear.
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  4. Identifying high-dimensional self-similarity based on spectral clustering applied to large wavelet random matrices, "O. Orejola, G. Didier, P. Abry, H. Wendt," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 2024. To appear.
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  5. J. El Haouari, J.-M. Gaucel, C. Pittet, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Estimation of instrument spectral response functions using sparse representations in a dictionary," IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sens. Symp. (IGARSS), Athens, Greece, July 2024.

  6. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "A Robust Model and its EM Algorithm for the Estimation of the Multifractality Parameter," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2023.

  7. C.-G. Lucas, P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier, "Epileptic seizure prediction from eigen-wavelet multivariate selfsimilarity analysis of multi-channel EEG signals," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2023.

  8. H. Wendt, L. Leon, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "Multifractal anomaly detection in images via space-scale surrogates," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2022.

  9. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "A Comparison of Bayesian Estimators for the Parameters of the Bivariate Multifractal Spectrum," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrad, Serbia, Aug. 2022.

  10. P. Abry, Y. Malevergne, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, M. Senneret, L. Jaffràs, "Foreign Exchange Multivariate Multifractal Analysis," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrad, Serbia, Aug. 2022.

  11. O. Orejola, G. Didier, P. Arby, H. Wendt, "Hurst Multimodality detection based on large wavelet random matrices," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrad, Serbia, Aug. 2022.

  12. C.-G. Lucas, P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier, "Drowsiness detection from polysomnographic data using multivariate selfsimilarity and eigen-wavelet analysis," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Glasgow, UK, July 2022.

  13. C.-G. Lucas, P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier, "Counting the number of different scaling exponents in multivariate scale-free dynamics: Clustering by bootstrap in the wavelet domain," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Singapore, May 2022.

  14. M. Dimiccoli, P. Battell, H. Wendt, "Learning grounded word meaning representations on similarity graphs," Proc. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Nov. 2021.

  15. M. Dimiccoli, L. Garrido, G. Rodriguez-Corominas, H. Wendt, "Graph Constrained Data Representation Learning for Human Motion Segmentation," Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. (ICCV), Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2021.

  16. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret and P. Abry, "Bayesian Estimation for the Parameters of the Bivariate Multifractal Spectrum," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2021.

  17. G. Geoffroy, L. Chaari, J.-Y. Tourneret and H. Wendt, "Drowsiness detection using joint EEG-ECG data with deep learning," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2021.

  18. C.-G. Lucas, P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier "Bootstrap for testing the equality of selfsimilarity exponents across multivariate time series," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2021.

  19. H. Wendt, M. Hourani, A. Basarab, D. Kouame, "Multifractal Characterization of Tissues in Ultrasound Imaging: a Study on the Influence of Deconvolution," IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium (IUS), Las Vegas, USA, September 2020.
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  20. V. Catrambone, H. Wendt, R. Barbieri, P. Abry, G. Valenza, "Quantifying Functional Links between Brain and Heartbeat Dynamics in the Multifractal Domain: A Preliminary Analysis," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Montreal, Canada, July 2020.

  21. V. Catrambone, H. Wendt, R. Barbieri, P. Abry, G. Valenza, "Wavelet-based Multifractal Analysis of Heartbeat Dynamics: Non-Gaussian Expansion vs. Cumulants," Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), Pisa, Italy, April 2020.

  22. V. Catrambone, P. Abry, G. Valenza, H. Wendt, G. Didier, R. Barbieri, "Multiscale Eigen Analysis on EEG and Heartbeat Dynamics: a Pilot study," Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), Pisa, Italy, April 2020.

  23. H. Wendt, M. Hourani, A. Basarab, D. Kouame, "Deconvolution for improved multifractal characterization of tissues in ultrasound imaging," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Iowa City, USA, April 2020.

  24. M. Carlsson, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Unbiased group-sparsity sensing using quadratic envelopes," IEEE Int. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Guadeloupe, France, Dec. 2019.

  25. C. Boniece, H. Wendt, G. Didier, P. Abry, "Wavelet-based detection and estimation of fractional Levy signals in high dimensions," IEEE Int. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Guadeloupe, France, Dec. 2019.

  26. P. Abry, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, S. Seuret, "A multivariate multifractal analysis of lacunary wavelet series," IEEE Int. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Guadeloupe, France, Dec. 2019.

  27. M. Dimiccoli, H. Wendt, "Enhancing Temporal Segmentation by Nonlocal Self-Similarity," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2019.
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  28. P. Abry, Y. Malevergne, H. Wendt, M. Senneret, L. Jaffrès, B. Liaustrat, "Shuffling for Understanding Multifractality - Application to Asset Price Time Series," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruna, Spain, Sept. 2019.
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  29. B.C. Boniece, G. Didier, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "On Multivariate non-Gaussian Scale Invariance: Fractional Lévy Processes and Wavelet Estimation," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruna, Spain, Sept. 2019.
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  30. V. Catrambone, H. Wendt, E. P. Scilingo, R. Barbieri, P. Abry, G. Valenza, "Heartbeat Dynamics Analysis under Cold-Pressure Test using Wavelet p-Leader Non-Gaussian Multiscale Expansions," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, July 2019.

  31. V. Catrambone, G. Valenza, E. P. Scilingo, N. Vanello, H. Wendt, R. Barbieri, P. Abry, "Wavelet p-Leader Non-Gaussian Multiscale Expansions for EEG series: an Exploratory Study on Cold-Pressor Test," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, July 2019.

  32. H. Wendt, P. Abry, G. Didier, "Bootstrap-based bias reduction for the estimation of the self-similarity exponents of multivariate time series," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brighton, U.K., May 2019.

  33. G. Didier, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Detection and estimation of delays in bivariate self-similarity: bootstrapped complex wavelet coherence," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brighton, U.K., May 2019.

  34. D. Fagot, H. Wendt, C. Fevotte, P. Smaragdis, "Majorization-minimization algorithms for convolutive NMF with the beta-divergence," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brighton, U.K., May 2019.

  35. P. Ablin, D. Fagot, H. Wendt, A. Gramfort, C. Fevotte, "A Quasi-Newton algorithm on the orthogonal manifold for NMF with transform learning," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brighton, U.K., May 2019.

  36. E. Villain, H. Wendt, A. Basarab, D. Kouame, "On multifractal tissue characteriztion in ultrasound imaging," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy, April 2019.

  37. O. D. Domingues, P. Ciuciu, D. La Rocca, P. Abry, H. Wendt, "Multifractal analysis for cumulant-based epilectic seizure detection in EEG time series," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy, April 2019.

  38. K. Basinet, A. Klein, P. Abry, S. G. Roux, H. Wendt, P. Messier, "Performance of two multiscale texture algorithms in classifying silver gelatine paper via k-nearest neighbors," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Athens, Greece, Oct. 2018.

  39. H. Wendt, D. Fagot, C. Fevotte, "Jacobi Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Transform Learning," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2018.

  40. D. La Rocca, P. Ciuciu, V. van Wassenhove, H. Wendt, P. Abry, R. Leonarduzzi, "Scale-free Functional Connectivity Analysis from Source Reconstructed MEG Data," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2018.
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  41. R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, S. G. Roux, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, S. Seuret, "Multifractal Characterization for Bivariate Data," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2018.

  42. H. Wendt, P. Abry, G. Didier, "Wavelet domain bootstrap for testing the equality of bivariate self-similarity exponents," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Freiburg, Germany, June 2018.

  43. P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier, "Detecting and Estimating Multivariate Self-Similar Sources in High-Dimensional Noisy Mixtures," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Freiburg, Germany, June 2018.

  44. H. Wendt, R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, S. Roux, S. Jaffard, S. Seuret, "Assessing cross-dependencies using bivariate multifractal analysis," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018.

  45. D. Fagot, H. Wendt, C. Fevotte, "Nonnegative matrix factorization with transform learning," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018.

  46. H. Wendt, P. Ciuciu, P. Abry, "Spatially regularized wavelet leader scale-free analysis of fMRI Data," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Washington D.C., USA, April 2018.

  47. P. Ciuciu, H. Wendt, S. Combrexelle, P. Abry, "Spatially regularized multifractal analysis for fMRI Data," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Jeju, South Korea, July 2017.
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  48. G. Valenza, H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, J. Hayano, E. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, P. Abry, R. Barbieri, "Multiscale Properties of Instantaneous Parasympathetic Activity in Severe Congestive Heart Failure: A Survivor vs Non-Survivor Study," International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Jeju, South Korea, July 2017.

  49. M. Le Goff, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, M. Ortner, M. Spigai, "Deep Learning for Cloud Detection," International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Madrid, Spain, July 2017.

  50. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, G. Didier, P. Abry, "Multivariate Scale-free dynamics: Testing Fractal Connectivity," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 2017.

  51. R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, L. Gournay, T. Kyriacopoulou, C. Martineau, C. Martinez, "P-Leader Multifractal Analysis for Text Type Identification," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 2017.

  52. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, N. Dobigeon, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Bayesian-driven criterion to automatically select the regularization parameter in the l1-Potts model," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 2017.

  53. P. Abry, A.G. Klein, P. Messier, S. Roux, M.H. Ellis, W.A. Sethares, D. Picard, Y. Zhai, D.L. Neuhoff, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, C.R. Johnson Jr., "Wove Paper Analysis through Texture Similarities," Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2016.

  54. R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, Y. Yamamoto, E. Watanabe, J. Hayano, "Scattering Transform of Heart Rate Variability for the Prediction of Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation," Int. Workshop Biosignal Interpretation (BSI), Osaka, Japan, Nov. 2016.
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  55. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, Y. Altmann, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Bayesian joint estimation of the multifractality parameter of image patches using Gamma Markov Random Field priors," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2016.

  56. S. G. Roux, P. Abry, B. Vedel, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, "Hyperbolic wavelet leaders for anisotropic multifractal texture analysis," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2016.

  57. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, Y. Altmann, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Bayesian estimation for the local assessment of the multifractality parameter of multivariate time series," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 2016.
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  58. F. Andersson, M. Carlsson, H. Wendt, "On a fixed-point algorithm for structured low-rank approximation and estimation of half-life parameters," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 2016.
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  59. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, L. Condat, P. Abry, "Multifractal-based texture segmentation using variational procedure," IEEE IVMSP Workshop, Bordeaux, France, July 2016.

  60. M. Le Goff, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, M. Ortner, M. Spigai, "Distributed Boosting for Cloud Detection," IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sens. Symp. (IGARSS), Beijing, China, July 2016.

  61. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, S. McLaughlin, "Bayesian Multifractal Analysis of Multi-temporal Images Using Smooth Priors," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 2016.

  62. R. Leonarduzzi, H. Touchette, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, "Generalized Legendre Transform Multifractal Formalism for Nonconcave Spectrum Estimation," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 2016.

  63. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "A Bayesian Approach for the Multifractal Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data," Int. Conf. Systems, Signals and Image Proces. (IWSSIP), Bratislava, Slovakia, May 2016.
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  64. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, Y. Altmann, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "A Bayesian framework for the multifractal analysis of images using data augmentation and a Whittle approximation," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, March 2016.

  65. F. Andersson, M. Carlsson, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "A Method for 3D Direction of Arrival Estimation for General Arrays Using Multiple Frequencies," IEEE Int. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2015.

  66. S.G. Roux, N. Tremblay, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, H. Wendt, P. Messier, "Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Unsupervised Clustering for Photographic Paper," IEEE Int. Workshop Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Rome, Italy, Nov. 2015.

  67. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Multivariate optimization for multifractal-based texture segmentation," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Quebec City, Canada, Sept. 2015.

  68. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, S. McLaughlin, "Bayesian estimation of the multifractality parameter for images via a closed-form Whittle likelihood," 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Nice, France, Aug. 2015.

  69. G. Valenza, H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, J. Hayano, E. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, P. Abry, R. Barbieri, "Point-Process High-Resolution Representations of Heartbeat Dynamics for Multiscale Analysis: a CHF Survivor Prediction Study," Proc. 37th International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Milano, Italy, Aug. 2015.

  70. R. Leonarduzzi, J. Spilka, J. Frecon, H. Wendt, N. Pustelnik, S. Jaffard, P. Abry, M. Doret, "p-leader Multifractal Analysis and Sparse SVM for Intrapartum Fetal Acidosis Detection," Proc. 37th International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Milano, Italy, Aug. 2015.

  71. O. Chabiron, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, F. Malgouyres, "Convolutional Trees for Fast Transform Learning," Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations Workshop (SPARS), Cambridge, U.K., July 2015.

  72. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Hyperspectral image analysis using multifractal attributes," IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and SIgnal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Tokyo, Japan, June 2015.

  73. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, P. Abry, N. Dobigeon, S. McLaughlin, J.-Y. Tourneret, "A Bayesian approach for the joint estimation of the multifractality parameter and integral scale based on the Whittle approximation," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.

  74. R. Fontugne, P. Abry, K. Fukuda, P. Borgnat, J. Mazel, H. Wendt, D. Veitch, "Random Projection and Multiscale Wavelet Leader Based Anomaly Detection and Address Identification in Internet Traffic," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.

  75. S. Roux, P. Abry, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, "Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform for Historic Photographic Paper Classification Challenge," Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2014.

  76. R. Leonarduzzi, J. Spilka, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, M. E. Torres, P. Abry, M. Doret, "p-leader based classification of first stage intrapartum fetal HRV," VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB) 2014, Paraná, Argentina, Oct. 2014, IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 49, 2015, pp. 504-507.

  77. N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, "Inverse problem formulation for regularity estimation in images," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Paris, France, Oct. 2014.

  78. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, N. Dobigeon, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Hybrid Bayesian Variational Scheme to Handle Parameter Selection in Total Variation Signal Denoising," 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2014.

  79. H. Wendt, K. Kiyono, P. Abry, J. Hayano, E. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, "MultiScale Wavelet p-Leader based Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Survival Probability Assessment in CHF Patients," Proc. 36th International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Chicago, USA, Aug. 2014.
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  80. R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, S.G. Roux, M.E. Torres, P. Abry, "Extending multifractal analysis to negative regularity: p-exponents and p-leaders," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 2014.

  81. F. Andersson, M. Carlsson, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "On an Iterative Method for Direction of Arrival Estimation using Multiple Frequencies," IEEE Int. Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Saint-Martin, France, Dec. 2013.

  82. F. Andersson, M. Carlsson, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Frequency Estimation Based on Hankel Matrices and the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers," 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, Sept. 2013.

  83. P. Messier, R. Johnson, H. Wilhelm, W.A. Sethares, A.G. Klein, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, S. Roux, N. Pustelnik, N. van Noord, L. van der Maaten, E. Postma, "Automated Surface Texture Classification of Inkjet and Photographic Media," IS&T International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies, Seattle, USA, Sept. 2013.

  84. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "Bayesian estimation for the multifractality parameter," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

  85. N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Local regularity for texture segmentation: Combining wavelet leaders and proximal minimization," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

  86. H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, P. Abry, "Multifractal Analysis of Self-Similar Processes," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Ann Arbor, USA, 2012.

  87. P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, "Bruegel's drawings under the multifractal microscope," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, 2012.

  88. H. Wendt, M.V. de Hoop, G. Uhlmann, A. Vasy, "Universal multi-scale computations of Fourier integral operators for coherent imaging in caustics," Proc. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (SEG), San Antonio, USA, Oct. 2011.

  89. P. Abry, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, H. Helgason, P. Goncalves, E. Pereira, C. Gharib, P. Gaucherand, M. Doret, "Methodology for multifractal analysis of heart rate variability: from LF/HF ratio to wavelet leaders," Proc. 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 2010.

  90. H. Wendt, M.V. de Hoop, F. Andersson, A. Duchkov, "Multiscale structured imaging using wave packets and prolate spheroidal wave functions," Proc. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (SEG), Denver, USA, Oct. 2010.

  91. A. Duchkov, F. Andersson, H. Wendt, "Sparse wave-packet representations and seismic imaging," Proc. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (SEG), Denver, USA, Oct. 2010.

  92. H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, Hui Ji, Zuowei Shen, "Wavelet Leader Multifractal Analysis for Texture Classification," IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proces. (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, 2009.

  93. H. Wendt, M.V. de Hoop, F. Andersson, "Multiscale propagation and imaging with wave packets," Proc. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (SEG), Houston, USA, 2009.

  94. H. Wendt, A. Scherrer, P. Abry, S. Achard, "Testing fractal connectivity in multivariate long memory processes," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

  95. H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Bootstrap tests for the time constancy of multifractal attributes," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Las Vegas, USA, 2008.

  96. H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Time-scale block bootstrap tests for non Gaussian finite variance self-similar processes with stationary increments," IEEE Workshop Statistical Signal Proces. (SSP), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2007.

  97. H. Wendt, S.G. Roux, P. Abry, "Impact of data quantization on empirical multifractal analysis," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Honolulu, USA, 2007.

  98. P. Ciuciu, P. Abry, C. Rabrait, H. Wendt, A. Roche, "Leader-based multifractal analysis for EVI fMRI time series: Ongoing versus task-related brain activity," IEEE Int. Symposium Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Washington DC, USA, 2007.

  99. H. Wendt, S.G. Roux, P. Abry, "Bootstrap for log wavelet leaders cumulant based multifractal analysis," European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO), Florence, Italy, 2006.
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  100. H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Bootstrap for multifractal analysis," IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proces. (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, 2006.

National [CN]

  1. J. El Haouari, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, C. Pittet, J.-M. Gaucel, "Approximation et Estimation de Réponses Spectrales d’Instruments," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2023.

  2. C. Lucas, P. Abry, H. Wendt, G. Didier, O. Orejola, "Bootstrap based test for the unimodality of estimated Hurst exponents. Performance assessment in a high-dimensional analysis setting," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2023.

  3. L. Leon, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "Estimation du paramètre de multifractalité : régression linéaire, maximum de vraisemblance ou infĂ©rence Bayésienne," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Nancy, France, Sept. 2022.

  4. C. Lucas, H. Wendt, P. Abry, G. Didier, "Multivariate time-scale bootstrap for testing the equality of selfsimilarity parameters," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Nancy, France, Sept. 2022.

  5. P. Abry, S. Roux, A. Lundgren, P. Messier, A. Klein, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, "F. Holland Day art photographic paper clustering: Automated procedures to assist photograph conservators ?," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Lille, France, Aug. 2019.

  6. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, N. Dobigeon, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Sélection du paramètre de régularisation dans le problème l2-Potts," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Juan-Les-Pins, France, Sept. 2017.

  7. S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, N. Dobigeon, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry, "Estimation bayésienne locale du paramètre de multifractalité à l'aide d'un algorithme de Monte Carlo Hamiltonien," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Lyon, France, Sept. 2015.

  8. R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, P. Abry, "Pitfall in Multifractal Analysis of Negative Regularity," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Lyon, France, Sept. 2015.

  9. J. Frecon, N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Variation totale multivariée pour la détection de changement du spectre multifractal," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Lyon, France, Sept. 2015.

  10. N. Tremblay, S.G. Roux, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, H. Wendt, P. Messier, "Texture classification of photographic papers: improving spectral clustering using filterbanks on graphs," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Lyon, France, Sept. 2015.

  11. N. Pustelnik, H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Régularité locale pour l'analyse de texture : le mariage des coefficients dominants et de la minimisation proximale," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Brest, France, 2013.

  12. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, P. Abry, "Estimation bayésienne du paramètre de multifractalité," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Brest, France, 2013.
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  13. P. Abry, V. Pipiras, H. Wendt, "Extreme values, heavy tails and linearization effect: A contribution to empirical multifractal analysis," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Troyes, France, 2007.

  14. H. Wendt, P. Abry, S.G. Roux, S. Jaffard, "Analyse multifractale d'image: l'apport des coefficients dominants," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Troyes, France, 2007.
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  15. H. Wendt, P. Flandrin, P. Abry, "Régressions par machines à vecteurs supports pour la prédiction de séries chaotiques," GRETSI Symposium Signal and Image Processing, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2005.

Book Chapters [BC]

  1. P. Abry, S. Jaffard, R. Leonarduzzi, C. Melot, H. Wendt, "New exponents for pointwise singularity classification," in Recent Developments in Fractals and Related Fields, S. Seuret and J. Barral, Eds., Birkhäuser, 2017.

  2. S. Jaffard, P. Abry, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, "Multifractal analysis based on p-exponents and lacunarity exponents," in Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, C. Bandt et al., Eds., pp. 279-313, Series Progress in Probability, Vol. 70, Birkhäuser, 2015.
    .www | .bib | .pdf

  3. S. Jaffard, P. Abry, H. Wendt, "Irregularities and Scaling in Signal and Image Processing: Multifractal Analysis," in Benoit Mandelbrot: A Life in Many Dimensions, M. Frame and N. Cohen, Eds., pp. 31-116, World scientific publishing, Singapore, 2015.
    www | .bib | .pdf

  4. P. Abry, S. Jaffard, H. Wendt, "A bridge between geometric measure theory and signal processing: Multifractal analysis," in Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis, The Abel Symposium 2012, K. Gröchenig, Y. Lyubarskii and K. Seip, Eds., Springer Series Abel Symposia, Vol. 9, pp. 1-56, Springer, 2015.

  5. B. Vedel, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, "On the impact of the number of vanishing moments on the dependence structures of compound Poisson motion and fractional Brownian motion in multifractal time," in Dependence in Probability and Statistics, P. Doukhan, G. Lang, D. Surgailis, Eds., Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 200, pp. 71-102, Springer, Oct. 2010.
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  6. S. Jaffard, P. Abry, S.G. Roux, B. Vedel, H. Wendt, "The contribution of wavelets in multifractal analysis," in Wavelet Methods in Mathematical Analysis and Engineering, A. Damlamian, S. Jaffard, Eds., Series in contemporary applied mathematics, Vol. 14, pp. 55-98, World scientific publishing, 2010.
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  7. P. Abry, S. Jaffard, S.G. Roux, B. Vedel, H. Wendt, "Wavelet decomposition of measures: Application to multifractal analysis of images", in Unexploded Ordnance Detection and Mitigation: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Unexploded Ordnance Detection and Mitigation, J. Byrnes, Ed., pp. 1-20, Springer, 2009.

Patents [PT]

  1. J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, Inventors, "Procédé de détection et/ou de correction automatique d'erreurs dans un flux de données multiplexées" / "Method for automatic detection and/or correction of errors in multiplexed data stream," French Patent FR3007232 (A1) (Application 17/06/2013, Publication 19/12/2014, Delivrance 17/02/2017), Promotor: Centre Nationale d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
    www | .bib | .pdf

Thesis [TH]

    Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches
    H. Wendt, "Analyse multifractale et estimation bayésienne univariée et multivariée pour le signal et l'image." , Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HdR), Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2022.
    defense | .bib | .pdf

    PhD Thesis
    H. Wendt, "Contributions of Wavelet Leaders and Bootstrap to Multifractal Analysis: Images, Estimation Performance, Dependence Structure and Vanishing Moments. Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests." , PhD Thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2008.
    defense | .bib | .pdf

    Master Thesis
    H. Wendt, "Support vector machines for regression estimation and their application to chaotic time series prediction," Masters Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, 2006.
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Technical Reports [RP]

  1. R. Dhaou, U. Ayesta, H. Wendt, J.-Y. Tourneret, R. Sallantin, F. Simio, A. Delrieu, D. Pradas, "Techniques de prédiction de trafic réseau," CNES/TéSA, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., Jul. 2020.
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  2. A. Basarab, J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Nouveaux Algorithmes Pour l'Estimation En Vol Des ISRF," CNES/TéSA, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., Mar. 2020.
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  3. J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Techniques d'Optimisation des Communications Sécurisées," CNES/TéSA, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., Aug. 2017.
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  4. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, M. Albinet, C. Goldstein, N. Karouche, "Detection and Correction of Glitches in a Multiplexed Multi-channel Data Stream - Application to the MADRAS Instrument - Complementary results and supporting materials," IRIT-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, Technical Rep., Oct. 2015.

  5. J.-Y. Tourneret, H. Wendt, "Data mining bayésien appliqué au contexte des satcom : état de l'art et analyse de scénarios d'usage," CNES/TéSA, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., Jan. 2015.
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  6. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, "Complementary algorithms for detection and correction of spurious strobes in MADRAS instrument data," CNES/CLS, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., Sept. 2012.
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  7. H. Wendt, N. Dobigeon, J.-Y. Tourneret, "Algorithm for detection and correction of spurious strobes in MADRAS instrument data," CNES/CLS, Toulouse, France, Industrial Rep., June 2012.
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  8. F. Andersson, M.V. de Hoop, H. Wendt, "Multi-scale reverse-time-migration based inverse scattering using the dyadic parabolic decomposition of phase space," Proc. GMIG Project Review, pp. 49-68, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 2012.

  9. H. Wendt, M.V. de Hoop, G. Uhlmann, A. Vasy, "Fourier integral operator canonical computation with wave packets," Proc. GMIG Project Review, pp. 113-130, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 2011.

  10. H. Wendt, M.V. de Hoop, F. Andersson, "Multi-scale discrete approximation of Fourier integral operators," Proc. GMIG Project Review, pp. 93-134, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 2010.

  11. H. Wendt, F. Andersson, M.V. de Hoop, "Discrete Generalized Radon Transform compression using wave packets," Proc. GMIG Project Review, pp. 205-212, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 2009.

Invited Talks, Seminars and Courses

    Summer School Harmonic and Multifractal Analyses: from Mathematics to Quantitative Neuroscience , Montreal, Canada (3-14/07/2023)
    Co-organizer and 4 hours lecture on Bayesian estimation for multifractal analysis, and on multivariate multifractal analysis.

    IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage, USA (19-22/09/2021)
    Learning event representations for temporal segmentation of image sequences by dynamic graph embedding.
    www | .pdf

    International Biomedical and Astronomical Signal Processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland (3-8/02/2019)
    Bayesian Estimation for the Multifractal Analysis of Multivariate Images.
    www | .pdf

    Department of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan (21/11/2018)
    A Bayesian estimator for the multifractal analysis of multivariate data

    Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (16/11/2018)
    Wavelet p-leader non Gaussian multiscale expansions for Heart rate variability analysis in congestive Heart failure patients

    Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (16/11/2018)
    Multifractal Characterization for Bivariate Data

    Biannual French Bayesian Network Conference JFRB, Toulouse, France (31/05/2018)
    A Bayesian estimator for the multifractal analysis of multivariate images.
    www | .pdf

    GdR ISIS, Paris, France (08/02/2018)
    A Bayesian estimator for the multifractal analysis of multivariate data.

    GdR Analyse Multifractal Workshop, Porquerolles, France (17/09 - 22/09 2017)
    Bayesian models and estimation for the multifractal analysis of multivariate data.

    CIMPA Research School, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina (31/07 - 03/08 2017)
    Course Multifractal analysis based on wavelet bases: Part 2. Estimation, Bayesian models and multivariate data.
    www | dedicated site

    Dept. Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (27/02/2017)
    On a Bayesian framework for the multifractal analysis of multivariate data.

    Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada (24/02/2014)
    Wavelet leaders and p-leaders multifractal analysis: Theory and practice for signals and images.
    .pdf | BIRS

    Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group (GMIG) Project Review 2012, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (24-26.04.2012)
    Multi-scale reverse-time-migration based inverse scattering using the dyadic parabolic decomposition of phase space.

    Séminaire Cristolien d'Analyse Multifractale (SCAM), Université Paris XII (25.01.2012)
    Mandelbrot meets Van Gogh: Regularity in Painting Textures

    Applied Math Seminar, Purdue University (28.10.2011)
    Scaling and Multifractal Analysis: From Theory to Applications.

    Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago, Chile (07.06.2011)
    Multi-scale computation for imaging in inverse problems.

    Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group (GMIG) Project Review 2011, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (18-20.04.2011)
    Fourier integral operator canonical computation with wave packets.

    Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group (GMIG) Project Review 2010, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (21-23.04.2010)
    Multi-scale discrete approximation of Fourier integral operators.

    Laboratoire de Physique and Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme, ENS Lyon, France (5.11.2009)
    Multi-scale wave propagation and imaging using wave packets.
    LP / LIP (ENS Lyon)

    Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group (GMIG) Project Review 2009, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (14-15.04.2009)
    Discrete Generalized Radon Transform compression using wave packets.

    Applied Math Seminar, Purdue University (13.03.2009)
    Seismic Imaging using the generalized Radon transform: A curvelet transform perspective.

    Séminaire Cristolien d'Analyse Multifractale (SCAM), Université Paris XII (13.12.2007)
    Approches de type "Bootstrap" pour l'analyse multifractale pratique

    H. Wendt, P. Abry, "Testing mono-vs. multifractality with bootstrapped wavelet leaders," Wavelets and Applications Semester (WavE 2006), Poster Session, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 10-14, 2006.
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