Torguet Patrice
Research Topics
My research work is focused on eEducation and Competences.
Former Research Activities
My work was divided along 3 axes:
Networked VEs Interoperability
I'm mainly interested in HLA (High Level Architecture), CORBA and CCM (Corba Component Model) as ways to enable interoperability between Networked Virtual Worlds and Systems.
The most recent paper detailing this research can be found here:
Wafaa Abou Moussa, Nelly de Bonnefoy, Emmanuel Dubois, Patrice Torguet, Jean-Pierre Jessel. Virtual reality simulation for prototyping augmented reality. In : International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR 2008), Gwangju, Korea, 10/07/2008-13/07/2008, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 55-58, July 2008.
Networked VEs Optimizations
I'm working on techniques like dead-reckoning and area of interest management.
This researched is detailed in the following papers:
Souad Elmerhebi, Jean-Christophe Hoelt, Patrice Torguet, Jean-Pierre Jessel. Perception Based Filtering for MMOGs. In : International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Special issue Joint International Conference on Cyber Games and Interactive Entertainment 2006, Vol. 2008 N. Article ID: 243107, (on line), April 2008.
Samir Torki, Patrice Torguet, Cédric Sanza. Adaptive Classifier System-Based Dead Reckoning. In : Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2007), Weimar, Allemagne, 15/07/2007-18/07/2007, Vol. virtual environments 2007, Eurographics, pp. 101-108, July 2007. Note: if you are not an EG member you won't be able to access the full paper but here is my copy.
Serious Games as applications of Networked VEs
I'm working on Serious Games applied to computer programming. The project is called Prog&Play and is detailed in the following paper: Mathieu Muratet, Patrice Torguet, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Fabienne Viallet. Towards a Serious Game to Help Students Learn Computer Programming. In : International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2009, (on line), 2009.
Research Experience
1993 - 1998 : PhD thesis
IRIT, University Paul Sabatier (UPS), Toulouse.
« VIPER : Un modèle de calcul réparti pour la gestion d'environnements virtuels »: the thesis deals with distributed virtual reality. I designed and coded a networked VE system called VIPER (VIrtuality Programming EnviRonment)
1998 - 1999 : Post-doctorate, UPS, Toulouse.
I worked on the EU ESPRIT project Cavalcade (CollAborative VirtuAL Construction And DEsign).
I developed a specific version of VIPER for this project.
1999 - 2000 : Engineer, Virtual Reality Division, CS SI, Toulouse.
I worked on ACE2 (VR tool helping remote control of submarine vessels) for Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea)
and on EU ESPRIT project Visions (A virtual studio for digital storytelling).
2000 - Today : Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor), UPS, Toulouse.
PhD Co-Supervision
- Previously:
Nancy Rodriguez, september 1999 - january 2003, ASSET: networked VE system for teleoperation. Currently : Assistant Professor at Montpellier II University.
Meva Dodo, november 2004 - april 2008, Interactive 3D visualization of complex systems.
Souad El Merhebi, november 2004 - april 2008, Effect management: a filtering technique for networked VEs.
Samir Torki, november 2004 - december 2008, Autonomous Entities in networked VEs.
Wafaa Abou Moussa, november 2005 - december 2008, Virtual reality simulation for prototyping mixed reality (VR and AR) systems. SIMBA project.
Mathieu Muratet, november 2007 - december 2010, Prog&Play project.
Martha Patricia Martinez-Vargas, november 2007 - february 2015, DVRMedia2 project (P2P Networking Strategies to Support Massive Online Multiuser Virtual Environments). PhD in Mexico.
Adrien Hamelin, december 2012 - december 2015, assembling 3D models of different natures (3D scans and classical B-Rep models) with an application to telescopes for the Pic du Midi observatory.
- Currently:
I'm working on the OpenMIAGE eEducation project.
- Previously:
I worked with University of Guadalajara, Mexico on the DVRMedia2 project.
I worked with Université JF Champollion, DiDiST and KTM-Advance on the serious game Mecagenius.
I worked with CS-SI Virtual Reality Division on the following projects: PROVIS, CAVALCADE, ACE2, VISIONS and WAVES.
I worked with Oktal on the IMAGE project.
I'm managing the apprenticeship and the 3rd year of the engineer students in the STRI Cursus.
I'm teaching computer networks and network programming
Here you can find my teaching documents (most are in French).