Current Position

I defended my PhD at University Paris Dauphine – Lamsade in 1991 about : Decision Support System and Optimisation Model. I defended my HDR at INPToulouse – IRIT in 2005 about : Collaborative Decision Support Systems.

Research Aeras

  • Decision Making
  • Multicriteria Decision Making
  • Decision Support Systems (DSS)
  • Recommander systems
  • Group decision Support Systems (GDSS)

Previous activities and Distinction

Invited Talk

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Scientific Mediation
    • Université de Montréal, Canada – Séminaire Informatique cognitive – Webinaire – 31/03/2022
    • Cycle de Conférences organisé par le CDA : L’humain et l’environnement au défi de l’IA ? – UT1C- 30/01/2020 : L’IA d’hier à aujourd’hui
    • Nuit européenne des chercheurs – November 2020
    • Festival Je veux savoir – Quai des Savoirs – 30/10/2019 : L’intelligence artificielle peut-elle décider à notre place ?
    • AINIA – INNOPEN FOOD, Valencia, 13/11/2018 : How to support Group Decision Making? (20 participants).
  • Doctoral program
    • Nanjing University of Aeronotics and Astraunotics (NUAA), Nanjing Chine, November 2019
      • From Decision Support Systems to Recommender Systems
      • Decision Support Systems: A Group Perspective
    • NorthWestren Polytechnic University (NPU), Xian, Chine, November 2019
      • Decision Support Systems: A Group Perspective
    • JiangsuUniversity of Science and technology (JUST), Zhenjiang, Chine, November 2019
      • From Decision Support Systems to Recommender Systems
    • Toamasina University, Madagascar, April 2019
      • MultiCriteria Decision making : Promethee
    • Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 12/18
      • How to support Cooperative Decision Making? Doctoral program – (40 participants)
    • Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil, 04/2016
      • Decision Support Systems: A Group perspective. Doctoral Course – (40 participants).
      • From Decision Support Systems to Recommender Systems. Doctoral Course – (40 participants).
    • University of Waterloo – Department of Systems Design Engineering SEMINAR, Waterloo, Canada, 18/01/2016
      • Decision Support Systems: A Group Perspective. (15 participants).
    • Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo – Canada, 14/01/2016
      • From Decision Support Systems to Recommender Systems. THE MS2DISCOVERY INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE – (30 participants).

Editorial Activities



  • 2023 : Program Chair of the ICDSST2023 – Albi, France
  • 2021 : Member of the Program Committe of the EURO 2021 – 11-14/07/2021 – 2700 participants – 50 parallel sessions
  • 2021 : Chair of the jury of the Euro Distinguished Service Award
  • 2020 : General Chair of the ICDSST 2020
  • 2019 : Member of the jury of the Euro Distinguished Service Award
  • Since 2000 : Coordinator of the Euro-Working Group on Decision Support Systems (EWG-DSS). This group organises every year the International Conference on Decision Support System Technologies (ICDSST).


  • 2023 : Program chair of the GDN Conference, Tokyo, Japan
  • 2021 : Member of the Award jury
  • 2020 : Member of the Award jury
  • 2019 : Chair of the Award jury
  • 2017 : Program chair of the GDN Conference – 14-18/08/2017

Conference Program committee member

  • 2024 : ECAI : October 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • 2023 : DECISIONING : June 2023, Popayan, Columbia
  • 2022 : DECISIONING : June 2022, La Plata, Argentina
  • 2020 : BALCOR 2020 : September 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 2020 : IFIP DSS 2020 : June 2020, Wroclaw, Poland

PhD Evaluation

Projects Reviewer and Selection committee member

Conferences organisation

Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud