

publication icone
W. Barbier, M. Bati, C. Himeur, N. Mellado, Y. Nyffenegger-Péré, M. Paulin
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Y. Nyffenegger-Péré, R. Armante, M. Bati, S. Blanco, J. Dufresne, M. Hafi, V. Eymet, V. Forest, R. Fournier, J. Gautrais, R. Lebrun, N. Mellado, N. Mourtaday, M. Paulin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2024
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M. Bati, S. Blanco, C. Coustet, V. Eymet, V. Forest, R. Fournier, J. Gautrais, N. Mellado, M. Paulin, B. Piaud
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2023
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N. Mourtaday, M. Bati, S. Blanco, J. Dufresne, M. El-Hafi, V. Eymet, V. Forest, R. Fournier, J. Gautrais, P. Lapeyre, N. Mellado, Y. Nyffenegger-Péré, M. Paulin, N. Villefranque
Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on radiative transfer, 2023
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P. Mézières, F. Desrichard, D. Vanderhaeghe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
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Y. Nyffenegger-pere, S. Blanco, J. Dufresne, M. El-Hafi, V. Eymet, V. Forest, R. Fournier, N. Mellado, N. Mourtaday, M. Paulin
International Radiation Symposium (IRS 2022) (poster), 2022
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Y. Nyffenegger-pere, S. Blanco, J. Dufresne, M. El-Hafi, V. Eymet, V. Forest, R. Fournier, M. Paulin, N. Mellado
Actes du Congrès annuel de la SFT 2022
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F. Desrichard, D. Vanderhaeghe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022
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C. Himeur, T. Lejemble, T. Pellegrini, M. Paulin, L. Barthe, N. Mellado
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2022
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P. Mézières, N. Mellado, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2022


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P. Mézières, M. Paulin
ACM Digital Library, SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Communications, SA'21 ; ISBN: 978-1-4503-9073-6
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C. Mourglia, V. Roussellet, L. Barthe, N. Mellado, M. Paulin, D. Vanderhaeghe, A. Others


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P. Mézières, M. Paulin
Journées Françaises d’Informatique Graphique (JFIG 2020). Prix du meilleur papier
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F. Desrichard, D. Vanderhaeghe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2019. Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2019


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H. Rens, M. Paulin
Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique - J-FIG 2018



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Computer Graphics International (CGI), 2015
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Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, 2015
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AFIG '14 : Actes des 27èmes journées de l'AFIG, 2014. Best Paper Award
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J. Delatorre, G. Baud, J. Bézian, S. Blanco, C. Caliot, J. Cornet, C. Coustet, J. Dauchet, M. El-Hafi, V. Eymet, R. Fournier, J. Gautrais, O. Gourmel, D. Joseph, N. Meilhac, A. Pajot, M. Paulin, P. Perez, B. Piaud, M. Roger, J. Rolland, F. Veynandt, S. Weitz
Solar Energy, 2014
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F. Claux, L. Barthe, D. Vanderhaeghe, J. Jessel, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2014
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2014
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D. Gomez, M. Paulin, D. Vanderhaeghe, P. Poulin
Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics), 2013 International Conference on
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R. Vaillant, L. Barthe, G. Guennebaud, M. Cani, D. Rohmer, B. Wyvill, O. Gourmel, M. Paulin
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013. SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings
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O. Gourmel, L. Barthe, M. Cani, B. Wyvill, A. Bernhardt, M. Paulin, H. Grasberger
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013
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F. Claux, D. Vanderhaeghe, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, J. Jessel, D. Croenne
AFIG '11 (Actes des 25èmes journées de l'AFIG), 2012
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F. Claux, D. Vanderhaeghe, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, J. Jessel, D. Croenne
Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2012
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J. Roccia, C. Coustet, M. Paulin
Eurographics 2012
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
SA '11: SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Posters (poster), 2011
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
SA '11: SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, P. Pierre
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Graphics Interface, 2011
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D. Gomez, P. Poulin, M. Paulin
Graphics Interface, 2011
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, P. Poulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2011
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O. Gourmel, A. Pajot, M. Paulin, L. Barthe, P. Poulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2010
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A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, 2009
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O. Gourmel, A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, P. Poulin
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V. Forest, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools, 2009
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F. Vincent, L. Barthe, G. Guennebaud, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2009
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M. Paulin, C. Bessiere, J. Sallantin
ICTAI 2008 - 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
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PhD. Thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2008. Financement DGA / CNRS.
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V. Forest, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2008
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V. Forest, M. Paulin
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, 2007
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J. Rolland, M. El-Hafi, R. Fournier, S. Blanco, M. Paulin
13 èmes Journées Internationales de Thermique (JITH 2007)
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A. Nina, W. Jianhua, P. Mark, G. Gaël, M. Paulin, A. Marc, K. Leif, P. Renato, L. Barthe
Point Based Graphics, 2007
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L. Claustres, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Graphics Interface, 2007
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C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, B. O'Sullivan, M. Paulin
IJCAI 2007 - 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
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X. Granier, M. Paulin, B. Péroche
Informatique graphique et rendu, 2007
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X. Granier, M. Paulin, B. Péroche
Informatique graphique et rendu, 2007
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2007
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S. Mondet, F. Boudon, J. Hoelt, G. Morin, R. Grigoras, C. Pradal, M. Paulin
20eme journées de l'Association Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, 2007
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V. Vivanloc, J. Hoelt, C. Binh, M. Paulin
Journal of WSCG, 2007
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Doctoral Programme of CP'06, 2006
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V. Forest, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS symposium on Graphics hardware, 2006
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2006
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M. Paulin, E. Bourreau, C. Dartnell, S. Krut
JFPC 2006 - 2e Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes
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L. Claustres, M. Paulin, Y. Boucher
The Visual Computer, 2006
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P. Guitton, M. Paulin, B. Péroche
Le traité de la réalité virtuelle - 3ème édition, 2006


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A. Boudet, P. Pitot, D. Pratmarty, M. Paulin
GRAPHITE international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, 2005
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RJCIA 2005 - Rencontres Nationales des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2005


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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, 2004
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L. Claustres, Y. Boucher, M. Paulin
Optical Engineering, 2004
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computer Graphics Forum, 2004
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G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M. Paulin
Computers and Graphics, 2004


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L. Claustres, M. Paulin, Y. Boucher
Computer Graphics Forum, 2003
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G. Guennebaud, M. Paulin
Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2003
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F. Lavignotte, M. Paulin
1st International conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (GRAPHITE'03), 2003
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P. Perez, M. El-Hafi, R. Fournier, M. Paulin, A. Guilhem de Lataillade
Extrait de : Du moteur à explosion à la pile à combustible -SFT2002 -Actes du congrès annuel de la Société française de thermique / sous la dir. de D. MAILLET, C. MOYNE et D. STEMMELEN. - ISBN 2-84299-375-6
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P. Perez, M. Paulin, M. El-Hafi, R. Fournier
10th International conference on computer graphics, visualization and computer vision 2002. 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2002, UNIV W BOHEMIA, PLZEN, CZECH REPUBLIC, FEB 04-08, 2002


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C. Kardassevitch, M. Paulin, J. Jessel, C. René
Computer Networks and Isdn Systems, 1998