
CFP: Special Issue on AI-driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System

Special Issue on AI driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System in Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM) journal Scope It is essential to broadly make intelligence an integral part of every sustainable computing work, but more importantly in cloud/edge systems due to their inherent closeness to the physical world we live in. With that in mind, we see extensive research on intelligence in cloud/edge systems, which has manifested itself in the development of exciting new systems including those that improve efficiency, reduce cost, optimize sustainability or bring new business venues to bear.

Poste ingénieur d’étude intégrateur d’applications et définition du processus d'intégration continu CDD 12 mois

L’équipe SEPIA à l’IRIT, Toulouse, recrute un ingénieur pour participer aux développements logiciels du projet Datazero2 ( financé par l’Agence National de la Recherche (ANR). Le projet ANR-Datazero2 (2020-2023) fait suite au projet ANR-Datazero (2015-2019). En partenariat avec les laboratoires IRIT (Toulouse), LAPLACE (Toulouse), FEMTO St (Belfort- Besancon) et avec l’industriel EATON (Grenoble), il s’intéresse à l’optimisation de la gestion de centres de calcul alimentés par des sources d’énergies renouvelables.

Scheduling of malleable HPC applications

The position is offered in the framework of the French ANR-funded ENERGUMEN project and will take place at IRIT laboratory in Toulouse, France. This project aims at proposing and evaluating new scheduling heuristics for malleable/reconfigurable HPC tasks (i.e. able to change the number of resources at runtime), taking into account computing requirements but also data movement that occurs during reconfiguration. We intend to study bi-objective problems using simulation, optimizing both consumed energy and a performance criterion, e.