IRIT - UMR 5505

  Bandeau IRIT

  Soulé-Dupuy Chantal

  Status: Permanent - Full Professor
  Service/Team:  Generalized Information Systems (Eng.)
Systèmes d'Informations Généralisés (Fr.)
  Localization: UPS / IRIT / Building 1R1, Room 3
UT1 / IRIT / Manufacture, Room MF225
  Phone: +33(0)561 55 7426
+33(0)561 12 8790


Full Professor in Computer Science, University of Toulouse (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole) since 2002.

Previously Assistant Professor in Computer Science from 1990 to 2002.

Researcher at the Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse – IRIT CNRS) since 1990

PhD in Computer Science (1990 – Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
HDR in Computer Science (French Habilitation to conduct researches, 2001 – Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)



 Research Topics

Modeling and manipulation of semi-structured data
Heterogeneous information networks – Document Engineering – Structural and semantics modelling of multimedia documents – Annotation – Multi-structurality – Multi-points of view and representation – Large scale integration and analysis
Models for Adaptive Information Access
Information Retrieval models – User modelling – Personalization – User's profile – Context management – Communities of practice and social networks – Information recommendation strategies
Complex and heterogeneous data management and exploration
Multi-dimensional and multi-scale analysis – NoSQL databases  
Meta-mining approaches – Predictive approaches – Feature selection – Prediction explanation


Supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 25 PhD students funded by French government doctoral contracts, CIFRE scholarships, foreign government scholarships (China, Morocco, Tunisia, Viet Nam).


Many research projects are carried out in partnership with research centers and universities at the regional, French and international levels, also in partnership with social and economic entities. These partnerships concern co-supervision of doctoral theses as well as joint participation in national and international projects and working groups

Main national and international academic partners:
LIRIS (Lyon), LIP6 (Paris), University of Geneva (Switzerland), University of Gröningen (The Netherlands), University of Florence (Italy), University of Sfax (Tunisia).

Main social and economic partners:
AIRBUS, SANOFI, SAS Institute France, Orange Business Services, start-ups and other small companies

A part of research work is at the interface between cognitive sciences (access to information) and health (data integration and data mining). These researches led to partnerships in France and abroad with universities and research centers of these disciplines. Main partners in SHS: CLLE (UT2J). Main partners in health and biology: CHU Toulouse, INSERM - I2MC Toulouse, INRA-CRES Paris, University of Gröningen (Netherlands).





Databases - Data modelling and query languages
Information systems analysis and design - from V life cycle to spiral or iterative lifecycle
Objet oriented design and modelling - Unified Process, UML
Objet oriented programming - Java, C++
Business Process (re-)Engineering and Management - BPMN, BPMI, ERP, EAI, SOA
Information retrieval - IR models - Information access on the Web




Collective and administrative responsabilities

  Main Current Activities

VICE-PRESIDENT of Toulouse 1 Capitole University in charge of the Commission for Education and University Life (CFVU) since January 2021

DIRECTOR of theGraduate School - 3IA ANITI (Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute) since September 2019

Member of more than fifty program committees of international conferences on databases, information retrieval, information systems

Author or co-author of more than 120 publications

 Main past activities

Director of the Doctoral School on Mathematics, Informatics and Telecommunications of Toulouse (480 PhD students) from January 2015 to December 2020

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology (Univ. Toulouse 1 Capitole) from November 2003 to November 2013. Vice-dean from 2001 to 2003

Editor in chief of the French Journal “Document numérique"/"Digital document” from January 2013 to January 2020 (vice editor from 2007 to 2012)

Co-chair of the 8th RIAO Conference on Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound), Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh (PA, USA), June 2007. This conference has involved around 400 participants (every three years)

Co-Chair of the Workshops and Tutorials of the International Conference ECIR « European Conference in Information Retrieval » in 2009. Co-editor of the proceedings

