Paper 6

D-Thespis: A Distributed Actor-Based Causally Consistent DBMS

Authors: Carl Camilleri, Joseph G. Vella, Vitezslav Nezval

Volume 53 (2023)


Data Consistency defines the validity of a data set according to some set of rules, and different levels of data consistency have been proposed. Causal consistency is the strongest type of consistency that can be achieved when data is stored in multiple locations, and fault tolerance is desired. D-Thespis is a distributed middleware that innovatively leverages the Actor model to implement causal consistency over an industry-standard relational database, whilst abstracting complexities for application developers behind a REST open-protocol interface. We propose the concept of elastic horizontal scalability, and propose systematic designs, algorithms and a correctness evaluation for a middleware that can be scaled to the needs of varying workloads whilst achieving causal consistency in a performant manner.

Keywords: Causal consistency, Distributed databases, Actor model, Middleware, High availability, Elastic horizontal scalability.