Paper 2

Variable-Size Segmentation for Time Series Representation

Authors: Lamia Djebour, Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia

Volume 53 (2023)


Given the high data volumes in time series applications, or simply the need for fast response times, it is usually necessary to rely on alternative, shorter representations of time series, usually with information loss. This incurs approximate comparisons of time series where precision is a major issue. We propose a new representation approach called ASAX, coming with two techniques ASAX_EN and ASAX_SAE, for segmenting time series before their transformation into symbolic representations. Our solution can reduce significantly the error incurred by possible splittings at different steps of the representation calculation, by taking into account the entropy of the representations (ASAX_EN) or the sum of absolute errors (ASAX_SAE), particularly for datasets with unbalanced (non-uniform) distributions. This is particularly useful for time series similarity search, which is the core of many data analytics tasks. We provide theoretical guarantees on the lower bound of similarity measures, and our experiments illustrate that our approach can improve significantly the time series representation quality.

Keywords: Time series, SAX, Representation, Segmentation, Similarity search, Information retrieval.