• General meeting in Rome, 6-8 June 2022
  • General meeting in Barcelona, 6-8 October 2022
P.I at the University of Barcelona 
Young Researchers in Barcelona

Conference in Corato (Bari, Italy) High School “Oriani” to promote awareness of ‘racial hoaxes and online stereotypes’ with Dr. Paolo Giovanni Cicirelli and Dr. Angelica Lops. (01/03/2023)

Sterheotypes Workshop at the University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’: Fake & Hate. Strategie psico-sociali per fronteggiare la misinformation razziale e il pregiudizio nei new media. 24th May 2023, Bari Italy.

Sterheotypes Workshop Fake & Hate. 24th May 2023, Bari Italy.

Prof. D’Errico Francesca and Dr. Cicirelli Paolo Giovanni at the General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (Easp). 30th June – July 4th, 2023.

Our speech at EASP23 ‘Addressing racial misinformation at school: a psycho-social intervention aimed at reducing ethnic moral disengagement in Adolescents’

May 2023: @sterheotypes linguistic young researchers at board 11 for poster presentation at #EACL2023

Dr. Corbelli Giuseppe at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs) 6 – 8 September 2023, Luxembourg.

Prof. D’Errico Francesca and Dr. Cicirelli Paolo Giovanni at the thematic day “Social psychology and the processes of online and offline interdependence” of Social Psychology Section (AIP), 14 September 2023.

‘Rolling Minds Web-app’ at School!

debriefing session with Italian students

  • 14th February Dr Giuseppe Corbelli PhD Session at Uninettuno University! Congrats from Sterheotype Project!

Prof. Mariona Taulé Delor (2024) “SteRHeotypes Project. Detecting and Countering Ethnic Stereotypes emerging from Italian, Spanish and French Racial hoaxes” SEPLN-CEDI2024: Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing at the 7th Spanish Conference on Informatics, June 20, 2024, A Coruña, Spain