Interdisciplinary Publications: 

  • D’Errico F., Bosco C., Paciello M., Benamara F., Cicirelli G. and Taulé M. (2024) SteRHeotypes Project. Detecting and Countering Ethnic Stereotypes emerging from Italian, Spanish and French Racial hoaxes. In (eds) Bonet Jover A., Sepúlveda Torres R, Muñoz Guillena R., Martínez Cámara E., Lloret Pastor E., Rodrigo Yuste Á. Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing at the 7th Spanish Conference on Informatics (SEPLN-CEDI 2024). Ceur (pp.1-9).

Psychology Publications:

  • D’Errico, F., Cicirelli, P.G., Corbelli, G., Paciello, M.. (2024, forth.). Rolling Minds: a Conversational Media to Promote Intergroup Contact by Countering Racial Misinformation Through Socio-Analytic Processing in Adolescence.
  • Paciello M., Corbelli, G., D’Errico F., (2023) The Role of Self-efficacy Beliefs in Dealing with Misinformation among Adolescents. Frontiers in Media Psychology, vol. 14, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1155280

Computational Linguistic Publications:

  • Schmeisser-Nieto, W.S., Pastells, P., Frenda, S., Ariza-Casabona, A., Farrús, M., Rosso, P. and Taulé, M. (Forth). Overview of DETESTS-Dis at IberLEF 2024: DETEction and classification of racial STereotypes in Spanish. In Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 73.
  • Schmeisser-Nieto, W.S., Pastells, P., Frenda, S. and Taulé, M. (Forth). Human vs. Machine Perceptions on Immigration Stereotypes. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).
  • Tom Bourgeade, Zongmin Li, Farah Benamara, Véronique Moriceau, Jian Su and Aixin Sun. (Forth). Humans Need Context, What About Machines? Investigating Conversational Context in Abusive Language Detection. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).
  • Bourgeade, T., Cignarella, A.T., Frenda, S., Laurent, M., Schmeisser-Nieto, W. S., Benamara, F., Bosco, C., Moriceau, V., Patti V. and Taulé, M. (2023). A Multilingual Dataset of Racial Stereotypes in Social Media Conversational Threads. In Findings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023).
  • Bourgeade T., Chiril P., Benamara F., Moriceau V. (2023). What Did You Learn To Hate? A Topic-Oriented Analysis of Generalization in Hate Speech Detection. In the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023).
  • Bourgeade T., Chiril P., Benamara F., Moriceau V. (2023). Topic Refinement in Multi-Level Hate Speech Detection. In Proceedings of the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023).
  • Schmeisser-Nieto, W. S., Nofre, M., Taulé. M. (2022). Criteria for the Annotation of Implicit Stereotypes. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 753–762, European Language Resources Association.
  • Frenda, S., Patti, V., & Rosso, P. (2022). Killing me softly: Creative and cognitive aspects of implicitness in abusive language online. Natural Language Engineering, 1-22.
  • Stranisci, M. A., Frenda, S., Lai, M., Araque, O., Cignarella, A. T., Basile, V., Bosco, C. and Patti, V. (2022). O-Dang! The Ontology of Dangerous Speech Messages. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data at LREC 2022, June, ELRA editor.
  • Ariza-Casabona, A., Schmeisser-Nieto, W. S., Nofre, M., Taulé, M., Amigó, E., Chulvi, B., & Rosso, P. (2022). Overview of DETESTS at IberLEF 2022: DETEction and classification of racial STereotypes in Spanish. In Procesamiento del lenguaje natural69, 217-228.
  • Taulé, M., Ariza, A., Nofre, M., Amigó, E. and Rosso, P. (2021). Overview of the DETOXIS Task at IberLEF-2021: DEtection of TOXicity in comments In Spanish. In Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 67.

Other Associated Publications: