Middleware 9:30 – 10:30

  • Philippe Swartavagher: Interferences between Communications and Computations in Distributed HPC Systems [pdf]
  • Antoine Jego: Task-based programming models for scalable distributed memory parallel algorithms [pdf]
  • Arthur Chevalier: HPC-Big Data Convergence: A library to apply highly parallel algorithms on big data clusters [pdf]

Discussion break 10:30 – 11:00

Scheduling: 11:00-11:40

  • Maxime Gonthier: Locality-Aware Scheduling of Independent Tasks for Runtime Systems [pdf]
  • Mathieu Vérité: Makespan lower bound combining communication and computation for dynamic task allocation on homogeneous resource: dense Cholesky factorization test case [pdf]

Discussion break 11:40 – 12:00

Applications: 12:00-13:00

  • Marek Felsoci: Towards memory-aware multi-solve two-stage solver for coupled FEM/BEM systems [pdf]
  • Sangeeth Simon: Task-based parallelization of a multi-dimensional, higher order, finite volume code for the Euler flows [pdf]
  • Romain Peressoni: Folding as a fast heuristic to compare point clouds [pdf]
SOLHARIS plenary meeting 02/07/2021