STRECCC - Study and Recommendations for the Ergonomics of Command and Control Centers

Overview of the project

The aim of this study is to improve the interactive system used by satellite ground segment controllers to prepare and monitor routine operations. The target platform is the ISIS product line, which has been deployed at CNES for around 18 months.

As part of this project, we plan to carry out a study covering two different but related areas. The first part concerns the study of the usability of the ISIS suite currently deployed. In this part, we are responding to Lot 1 of the CCTP, which will require access to and detailed study of the command and control operations, as well as the interactions (e.g. with the software).
The second part (Batch 2) concerns the definition of new interactions (materials, interaction techniques and applications) and their evaluation in terms of gains, both in terms of performance and also reliability (of interactions) and error tolerance. In particular, we will consider interactions that may require initial operator training if their performance is proven.

In terms of properties, this study will integrate several properties of interactive systems, such as usability, user experience (UX) and reliability. The difficulty is that these properties may be in conflict, and in this case the design requires the definition of an optimal compromise. This proposal calls for very close collaboration with the CST. In accordance with the terms of reference, the ICS team at IRIT (ICS-IRIT) will be responsible for all lots 1 and 2, but the ISIS suite interfaces will be supplied by CNES (as well as to operators). This proposal also includes the results of the study and design of preliminary prototypes produced by ICS-IRIT for CNES in 2012.

Case studies

Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Célia Martinie
is the main scientific coordinator of the project. She is associate professor in Computer Science at the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III where she leads the Interactive Critical Systems (ICS) team at IRIT lab (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse) since early 2021. obtained her PhD in 2011, contributing to the engineering of safe and usable interactive systems. She is an expert in task models for engineering interactive systems and developed a notation called HAMSTERS for engineering task models, widely used both for teaching and in industry (CNES, Airbus), and that is regularly extended with tool support.

ICS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 3, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France.
Tel.: +33 561 55 6965
Célia's home page

Philippe Palanque
is Professor in Computer Science at University of Toulouse 3. He is head of reliability system and software department at IRIT, and has a long-term expertise in engineering safety critical interactive systems in multiple domains (aviation, space, air traffic management).

ICS-IRIT, University Toulouse 3, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France.
Phil's home page

David Navarre
is Lecturer in Computer Science at the University Toulouse 1 and expert in engineering interactive systems. He has been working since 1998 on notations and tools for the specification, prototyping, validation and implementation of Safety Critical Interactive Systems. He designed and developed the software APIs that enable synergistic mapping and execution of task descriptions with interactive applications. He has been teaching interactive software engineering for 15 years.

ICS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 1, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France
David's home page

Eric Barboni
is a research engineer at IRIT and responsible for engineering tool suite of ICS team. He is an expert in the management of software platforms. He has been working since 2001 on notations and tools for the specification, prototyping, validation and implementation of Safety Critical Interactive Systems. He designed and developed the software APIs that enable synergistic mapping and execution of task descriptions with interactive applications.

ICS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 3, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France

Camille Fayollas
is a assistant professor and reasearcher within the ICS team at the IRIT lab. Her research involves techniques, notations and tools to specify and develop fault-tolerant, dependable and usable interactive critical systems.

ICS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 3, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France
Camille's home page

Axel Carayon
is a PhD student under Célia Martinie and Philippe Palanque supervision. His research interest are model-based approaches, software architecture and software engineering for interactive systems applied to rehabiliation and training systems.

ICS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 3, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France
Axel's home page

Clément Hubin--Andrieu
is a Ground Segment Automation Engineer at CNES, Toulouse, acting as the technical leader of Control Center Automation and a LEOP ground segment engineer.

CNES, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France


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