
Publications of

Journal articles
Conference papers
Book sections
  • Maria De La Paz Garcia Villalba, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Argument Extraction in Opinion Analysis: Identifying the Reasons behind Consumer Evaluations

    In : Knowledge Discovery, Transfer, and Management in the Information Age. Dan Tufis (Eds.) , IGI Global, pp. 231-254, December 2013.


  • Maria De La Paz Garcia Villalba, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Some Facets of Argument Mining for Opinion Analysis

    In : Computational Models of Argumentation. B Verheij (Eds.) , IOS Press, pp. 54-67, September 2012.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Advanced Question-Answering and Discourse Semantics

    In : Advanced natural language processing techniques and applications. Sivaji Bandhopdyay (Eds.) , IGI Global, pp. 237-255, November 2011.


  • Farida Aouladomar, Véronique Moriceau, Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Systèmes de question réponse en domaines spécialisés

    In : La recherche d’informations précises : traitement automatique de la langue, apprentissage et connaissances pour les systèmes de question-réponse. Hermès (Eds.) , Hermès, 7, pp. 185-200, 2007.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Linguistique Informatique et TALN: une perspective épistémologique

    In : Paradigmes et enjeux de l’informatique. Nicole Bidoit, Luis Farinas del cerro (Eds.) , Lavoisier, pp. 203-219, 2005.


  • Véronique Moriceau, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    A Constraint-Based Model for Lexical and Syntactic Choice in Natural Language Generation

    In : Constraint Solving and Language Processing. Henning Christiansen (Eds.) , Springer, pp. 184-204, Vol. 3438, LNCS – LNAI, September 2005.

    URL :

  • Alda Mari, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    A conceptual semantics for prepositions denoting instrumentality

    In : Syhtax and semantics of prepositions. Patrick Saint-Dizier (Eds.) , Kluwer Academic, pp. 345-359, November 2004.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    An introduction to the syntax and the semantics of prepositions

    In : Syntax and semantics of prepositions. Patrick Saint-Dizier (Eds.) , Kluwer academic, pp. 1-30, November 2004.


  • Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Advanced Relaxation for Cooperative Question Answering

    In : New Directions in Question Answering. Mark Maybury (Eds.) , MIT Press, pp. 234-254, August 2004.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    A generative Approach to Predicative Forms

    In : Generative Systems. Patrick Saint-Dizier (Eds.) , F. Busa et P. Bouillon, pp. 120-130, March 2000.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier, R. Gauzaiskas, A. Sanfilippo

    Eagles recommendations in lexical semantics

    In : LRE publications, Luxembourg. R. Gauzaikas, A. Sanfilippo, P. Saint-dizier, P. Vossen (Eds.) , LRE editions, DG13 Luxembourg, pp. 1-150, March 1999.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    Verb Semantic Classes Based on ‘alternations’ and WordNet-like criteria

    In : Predicative Forms in Natural language and lexical Knowledge Bases. P. Saint-Dizier (Eds.) , Kluwer Academic, Cambridge, USA, pp. 247-279, July 1998.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    A Comparative Study of the representation of the verb pair Buy/Sell

    In : Predicative forms in Natural language and in Predicative Forms. F. Busa, D. Dubois, C. Fellbaum, P. Saint-Dizier, E. Viegas (Eds.) , Kluwer Academic, Cambridge, USA, pp. 49-72, July 1998.


  • Patrick Saint-Dizier

    An Introduction to lexical semantics of predicative forms

    In : Cours ESSLII et Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Predicative Forms. P Saint-Dizier (Eds.) , Kluwer Academic, Cambridge, USA, pp. 1-49, July 1998.


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