CyberSec4Europe, a European summit on cyber security

The CyberSec4Europe project ended at the summit held on December 1st and 2nd in Brussels. It ends after four years of work. 43 partners and associates were part of the consortium. They have creatively and effectively achieved scientific advances in areas associated with cybersecurity. IRIT is represented in this consortium by 4 of its teams (ARGOS, ICS, RMESS, SIERA). The laboratory has a Strategic Application Area
Cybersecurity, Heritage and People Safety in which 14 IRIT teams are involved.

CyberSec4Europe - Logo of the event

What is CyberSec4Europe?

CyberSec4Europe is a research project that aims to harmonize the path from the development of software components that meet the requirements identified by a set of short and long term roadmaps, leading to a set of consequent recommendations. These are linked to the project’s real-world demonstration use cases. They address cybersecurity challenges in digital infrastructure verticals. They also reach into finance, governance, smart cities, healthcare and transportation.

The long-term goal and vision of CyberSec4Europe is a European Union with all the necessary capabilities to guarantee and maintain a democratic society. The project aims to position Europe as a leader in the digital economy. Indeed, the research follows the European constitutional values of privacy and data sharing. This project has several political, technical and innovation objectives.

What is IRIT’s involvement in this project?

IRIT is involved in six research axes of the project. These axes are: “Governance design and piloting (WP2)”, “Master plan design and joint research (WP3)”, “Research and development roadmap (WP4)”, “Demonstration use cases (WP5)”, “Dissemination, awareness, exploitation (WP9)” and “Community empowerment and innovation promotion (WP10)”. The deliverables on which our researchers are particularly invested are the following: Translated with DeepL Deliverable D3.7: Usability Requirements Validation , Deliverable D4.1: Requirements Analysis from Vertical Stakeholders et Deliverable D3.17: Integration To Demonstration Cases.