Interview with Marcos SERRANO, the HMI as a challenge for tomorrow’s world

Interview with Marcos SERRANO, the HMI as a challenge for tomorrow’s world

We are proud to present the interview of Marcos SERRANO, researcher at IRIT in the Collective Intelligence and Interaction (ICI) department, ELIPSE team. In order to make you discover the work of our researchers and to feed our YouTube channel, we share with you an unpublished interview. This is the first of a series of videos presenting research work from our different departments. Today’s topic? Human-computer interaction (HCI). What is

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Presentation of the CNRS 2020 bronze medal to Edouard Pauwels

Presentation of the CNRS 2020 bronze medal to Edouard Pauwels

Edouard PAUWELS, Associate Professor at the University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, in the ADRIA team of IRIT and AOC, has been awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal 2020. The award ceremony will take place on Friday, October 8, during an event that will honor all the CNRS 2020-2021 Talents of our Region, organized as part of the Fête de la Science 2021 by the CNRS Occitanie Ouest. It will be broadcast

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Appointment of Yamine Ait-Ameur to the National Research Agency (ANR)

Appointment of Yamine Ait-Ameur to the National Research Agency (ANR)

We send our congratulations to our colleague Yamine Ait Ameur, appointed as of September 2021, head of the Digital and Mathematical Department of the French National Research Agency (ANR). Yamine Ait Ameur, is a professor at ENSEEIHT-Toulouse INP and a member of the Reliability Systems and Software department of IRIT, which he was in charge of until this appointment. His research work in the ACADIE team focuses on the implementation

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Innovation on hearing aids

Innovation on hearing aids

The SAMoVA team of IRIT, under the direction of Julien PINQUIER, within the framework of the AUDIOCAP project, in collaboration with the company Archean Technologies, has been working since 2013 on the implementation of a denoising algorithm in order to optimize the adjustment of hearing aids. Clinical trials are currently underway at the Clinique Rive Gauche in Toulouse, and will allow us to consider the industrialization and market launch of

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An ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service award

An ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service award

Congratulations Philippe Palanque, Head of the FSL Dept and member of the ICS team, who has just received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service award. This award recognizes his lifetime of service to the international Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community. Since the early 90s, his research has focused on interactive systems engineering by providing notations, methods and tools to integrate multiple properties such as usability, reliability, resilience and, more recently, user experience.

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5 teaching-research positions at IRIT

5 teaching-research positions at IRIT

L’IRIT est laboratoire d’accueil de 5 postes d’enseignants-chercheurs recrutés au 01/09/2021. Les profils de ces postes sont disponibles sur le site Galaxie : Les profils de ces postes sont disponibles sur le site Galaxie : un poste de Professeur en 27e section à l’Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, département DMI. Le profil recherche est « Informatique appliquée aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales »Profil Référence GALAXIE 4593 en téléchargement (.pdf) un

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ECONECT: communicating sensors for monitoring ecosystems and biodiversity

ECONECT: communicating sensors for monitoring ecosystems and biodiversity

Technologies from the Internet of Things open up new possibilities for remote monitoring of the integrity of ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. THE ECONECT project, which brings together 6 research laboratories (Functional Ecology and Environment, SETE, CRCA, IRIT, LAAS, GEODE) and 3 companies (BeeGuard, Select Design, Adict Solutions), aims to develop sentinel systems based on the response of bio-indicator organisms (aquatic plants, honeybees and chickadees) to chemical contamination,

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Collaborations with RESTORE Laboratory

Collaborations with RESTORE Laboratory

Depuis le 1er janvier, le laboratoire RESTORE s’est installé sur le site de l’Oncopole. Cette nouvelle structure de recherche de vieillissement et géroscience, regroupe près de 120 chercheurs de différents établissements publics toulousains. Il se veut transdisciplinaire (mathématiques, physique chimie, informatique, biologie, etc.) et c’est à ce titre que des chercheurs de l’IRIT collaborent à ce projet. Département Gestion des données – Équipe SIG (correspondants Chantal Soulé-Dupuy et Julien Aligon)

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Prix du meilleur papier sur KDIR 2020

Prix du meilleur papier sur KDIR 2020

Félicitations aux 3 auteurs de l’Université d’Addis Ababa (Ethiopie) et du département Gestion de données – équipe SIG de l’IRIT pour leur prix du meilleur papier à la 12e édition de la conférence KDIR 2020 (Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval). Cet article porte sur le développement d’outils pour le traitement de la langue naturelle amharique, langue sémitique officielle en Ethiopie, dont le nombre de locuteurs est actuellement estimé à plus

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