Structures ANR project


The project Structures: hierarchical motion representation for stylized rendering is a research project funded by the ANR (ANR-19-CE38-0009-01).

Our approach is a combination of novel computer graphics techniques with a research and creation approach where artists, computer graphics scientists and art scientists merge their abilities and working approaches to produce new knowledge and techniques.

Last news


  • Stroke based Painterly Inbetweening.
    Nicolas Barroso, Amélie Fondevilla, David Vanderhaeghe.
    43nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics 2022 Posters), Apr 2022, Reims, France. . [hal]
  • Automatic Intermediate Frames for Stroke-based Animation.
    Nicolas Barroso, Amélie Fondevilla, David Vanderhaeghe.
    Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique (JFIG 2021), Nov 2021, Sophia Antipolis, France. [hal]
  • Towards a visual language for animated paintings.
    Amélie Fondevilla, David Vanderhaeghe.
    Journées thématiques du GdR IG-RV 2021, GDR IGRV, Mar 2021, Paris, France. [hal]
  • Fashion Transfer: Dressing 3D Characters from Stylized Fashion Sketches.
    Amélie Fondevilla, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Adrien Bousseau, Marie-Paule Cani.
    Computer Graphics Forum, 2021, 40 (6), pp.466-483. ⟨10.1111/cgf.14390⟩. [hal]
  • A Benchmark for Rough Sketch Cleanup.
    Chuan Yan, David Vanderhaeghe, Yotam Gingold.
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2020, 39 (6), pp.163.1 - 163.14. ⟨10.1145/3414685.3417784⟩. [hal]


Here are presented our first results and tests.

Short movie, using our prototype software. Author and director: Mathilde Rallier du Baty. Sound and music: Pablo Cortina. Technical staff: David Vanderhaeghe, Nicolas Barroso, Marco Flores, Valentin Despiau-Pujo
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Painted manually by Amélie Fondevilla using our prototype software. Inspired by “Le sujet du Tableau”, Georges Schwizgebel, 1989, and “La Jeune Fille sans mains”, Sébastien Laudenbach, 2006.

Project Partners


Permanent staff

  • IRIT, CNRS, Université de Toulouse: David Vanderhaeghe, Nicolas Mellado
  • INRIA, Université Bordeaux: Pascal Barla, Pierre Bénard
  • Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3: Anne-Laure George-Molland

Recruited on the project

  • 2020-2022 Amélie Fondevilla (Post-doc)
  • 2020-2023 Nicolas Barroso (Ph.D.)
  • 2023-2024 Nessim Dahmani (Engineer)
  • Interns: Camille Bausson (M1 info, 2022), Mathilde Rallier du Baty (M1 animation, 2022), Marco Flores (M1 info 2022), Valentin Despiau-Pujo (M1 info, 2022), Laurent Thongkham (M2 Supaero, 2021).


  • Les Affranchis

Project certified by CapDigital cluster.