First AIDAL Workshop
The first Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Data, Algorithms and Law will be organized on October 4th 2024, at Université Toulouse Capitole.
The workshop will include talks by researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Law, Université Toulouse Capitole, and from CNRS:
9h45-10h00 | Ouverture et café d’accueil | slides |
10h00-10h30 | Jérémy Bouché-Pillon (IRIT), Decision Support in Law: From Formalizing Rules to Reasoning with Justification | slides |
10h30-11h00 | Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT), How can semantic metadata improve data sharing in Law? | slides |
11h00-11h30 | Pause café | |
11h30-12h15 | Emiliano Lorini (IRIT), Designing Artificial Reasoners for Communication | slides |
12H15-13h45 | Repas en salle ME001 | |
13h45-14h15 | Jessica Eynard (IDP), Utilisation de l’IA par les services de police | |
14h15-14h45 | Mathieu Carpentier (IMH), Deux aspects de la défaisabilité en droit | |
14h45-15h15 | Pause café | |
15h15-15h45 | Julien Bétaille (IEJUC), L’intérêt des méthodes computationnelles pour la recherche juridique empirique | slides |
15h45-16h15 | Umberto Grandi (IRIT), Peut-on réconcilier la démocratie et l’intelligence artificielle? | slides |
16h15-16h45 | Jean-Guy Mailly (IRIT), Description du projet AIDAL et clôture du workshop | slides |
17h30-… | After work: un moment convivial dans un bar ou restaurant à proximité du centre ville |
Registration is free but mandatory. It includes the participation to the scientific talks and discussions, the coffee breaks and the lunch. To register, please send an email to
The workshop will take place at the Manufacture des Tabacs, 21 allée de Brienne, Toulouse.
The main part of the workshop will be in the room MS001 (building S), and the lunch will be in the room ME001 (building E). To reach building S, from the main entrance, go through the courtyard and building D. After exiting building D, turn right and go straight to find building S.