First AIDAL Workshop

The first Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Data, Algorithms and Law will be organized on October 4th 2024, at Université Toulouse Capitole.


Registration is free but mandatory. It includes the participation to the scientific talks and discussions, the coffee breaks and the lunch. To register, please send an email to before September 24th, 2024.


The workshop will take place at the Manufacture des Tabacs, 21 allée de Brienne, Toulouse.


The workshop will include talks by researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Law, Université Toulouse Capitole:

  • Julien Bétaille, L’intérêt des méthodes computationnelles pour la recherche juridique empirique
  • Jérémy Bouche-Pillon
  • Mathieu Carpentier, Deux aspects de la défaisabilité en droit
  • Jessica Eynard
  • Umberto Grandi, Peut-on réconcilier la démocratie et l’intelligence artificielle?
  • Emiliano Lorini

More information coming soon.