The AIDAL project aims at defining AI-based tools (notably, using formal argumentation) for legal reasoning. This work is motivated by applications such as incorporating into autonomous systems a reasoning engine ensuring that their behavior is compliant with legal constraints, or developing AI-based decision aiding systems for lawyers. The project started in March 2024, coordinated by Jean-Guy Mailly. The interesting features of argumentation systems that we aim to integrate in legal reasoning are

  • explainability: the output of the AI system must be explainable to human beings, in order to increase the trust of the users,
  • context-sensitivity: the AI system must provide results that depend on the context
  • revisability: the AI system must be able to incorporate users feedback to revise its internal functioning.

Latest news

  • Tutorial at EASSS 2024
    Jean-Guy Mailly will give a tutorial at the summer school EASSS 2024, entitled Current Trends in Argumentation Dynamics.
  • PhD Opportunity in AI for Legal Reasoning
    We are searching for a candidate with a Master degree in Computer Science, with knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing) and a strong interest for interdisciplinary work. The PhD student will work on The PhD candidate will be part of the AIDAL research group, a newly founded team in AI and Law at

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  • Kick-off event
    The first event related with the AIDAL project is the seminar given by Jean-Guy Mailly on April 5th, 2024 at IRIT. Title: Computation, Uncertainty and Dynamics in  Argumentation: Contributions and (Future) Application to Legal Reasoning Abstract: In this talk, I will first present my main contributions in the field of abstract argumentation, related to three issues: the efficient (SAT-based) computation

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AIDAL is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR, Agence National de la Recherche) under the grant ANR-22-CPJ1-0061-01.