Seminar 27/09 – Arthur Floquet – Unsupervised Tuning of Denoising Algorithms Parameters

For the next STORM seminar, Arthur Floquet, from the MINDS team will give a presentation titled: Unsupervised Tuning of Denoising Algorithms Parameters. This presentation will be given in French.

Abstract: Denoising is omnipresent in image processing. It is usually addressed with algorithms relying on a set of hyperparameters that control the quality of the recovered image.…

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Seminar 20/09 – Digitizing real sceneries for VFX on set

For the next STORM seminar, François Desrichard and Lucas Sousseing, Les Tontons Truqueurs, will give a presentation titled: Digitizing real sceneries for VFX on set. This presentation will be given in French.Abstract: In the film and TV series industries, VFX on set solutions bring the promise of spending less time in post-production by accomplishing visual effects during the shooting itself.A…

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Seminar 30/06 – Interns’ 5 min session

For the next STORM seminar, a 5 minutes session will be organized with the 4 interns.Each speaker will have 5 minutes to present their work during their internship, followed by a 5 minutes question session.The subjects of the presentations are:Linda Ablaoui – Classification de lignes électriques dans les nuages de points acquis par drones.Leo…

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Seminar 23/06 – Loïc Barthe – Introduction à l’apprentissage automatique part.2

For the next STORM seminar, Loïc Barthe will give a presentation titled: Introduction à l’apprentissage automatique part.2Abstract: Ce séminaire est la suite du séminaire du 26/05. Il présentera la suite de la présentation sur les perceptrons et s’intéressera ensuite aux réseaux convolutionnels. Ce séminaire sera retransmis sur zoom : seminar will take place on Friday 23/06 at 12:45pm in room Salle des thèses at IRIT.…

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Seminar 16/06 – Gauthier Bouyjou – PAUSE ended

For the next STORM seminar, Gauthier Bouyjou will give a presentation titled: PAUSE ended.

Abstract: I will present you the end of my one and a half year involvement in the PAUSE project.In the first part, I’ll reintroduce the initial context and the main advances presented last time.Secondly, I will present the latest contributions, such as the calibration of 3D ultrasound scanner using DIY phantoms and the use of LIDAR for 3D scanning without image recalling.I…

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Seminar 09/06 – Minds/Storm Joint Seminar – Mégane Bati and Sinan Yıldırım

For the next STORM seminar, Mégane Bati and Sinan Yıldırım will give two presentations.First presentation (French): 12:45-2:00pm, Friday 09/06, Salle des thèses – IRITTitle: Coupling Conduction, Convection and Radiative Transfer in a Single Path-Space: Application to Infrared RenderingSecond presentation (English): 2:00-3:00pm, Friday 09/06, Salle des thèses – IRITTitle: Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference and its Applications


Coupling Conduction, Convection and Radiative Transfer in a Single Path-Space: Application to Infrared Rendering:In the past decades, Monte Carlo methods have shown their ability to solve PDEs, independently of the dimensionality of the integration domain and for different use-cases (e.g.…

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Seminar 02/06 – Daniel Zeng – Rips Complex Approximation of Oriented Point Clouds

For the next STORM seminar, Daniel Zeng will give a presentation titled: Rips Complex Approximation of Oriented Point Clouds. This presentation will be given in English.Abstract: The Rips complex is a simplicial complex used to compute topological information on point clouds. However, in its exact form, its size makes it impractical to use for the analysis of large point clouds.Daniel…

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Seminar 26/05 – Loïc Barthe – Introduction à l’apprentissage

For the next STORM seminar, Loïc Barthe will give a presentation titled: Introduction à l’apprentissage.Abstract: Ce séminaire prendra la forme d’un cours sur les notions de base de l’apprentissage automatique et sera éventuellement suivi par d’autres séminaires.This seminar will take place on Friday 26/05 at 12:45pm in room Salle des thèses at IRIT.…

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Seminar 14/04 – Wilhem Barbier – BVH updates on the GPU using adaptive treelet restructuring

For the next STORM seminar, Wilhem Barbier will give a presentation titled: BVH updates on the GPU using adaptive treelet restructuringAbstract: Bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) are a widespread acceleration structure that can answer raytracing, visibility or other geometric queries in logarithmic time. However building a bounding volume hierarchy is a costly operation which is an issue for real-time rendering of animated scenes, since rebuilding the BVH from scratch every frame is not feasible and simply updating the bounding boxes without changing the tree topology can lead to degradation of the tree over time.…

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