Seminar 29/09 – Modelling and Simulating 3D Virtual Characters Skin and Garments

This weekly seminar is dedicated to the Scientific Report of Dr. Nadine Aburumman on the CIMI project titled “Modelling and Simulating 3D Virtual Characters Skin and Garments“.

Abstract The Project objective is to investigate the deformations of the human body at large, i.e., skin deformations, soft-tissue deformations, muscle inflation, and contact deformations.…

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Seminar 22/09 – Cage Generation for Animation Purposes

Sara Casti will present her current research on Cage Generation for Animation Purposes. Abstract The seminar is about cages and cage-based animation. A cage is a type of handle which is used to speed up the animation pipeline, simplifying animators’ workload. We are going to talk about cage properties and related issues.…

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Seminar 15/09 – Line Based Rendering of Point Clouds

Arezou Fatemi is going to present her current work on Line Based Rendering of Point Clouds. Abstract Given a point cloud, a smooth surface is estimated using “Algebraic Point Set Surface” framework. The output is later used in “Implicit Brushes” technique to extract features and produce a line-based drawing of the object with different stylizations based on these features.…

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Seminar 21/07 – Constrained Palette-Space Exploration (Siggraph 2017)

Nicolas Mellado and David Vanderhaeghe are going to present one of their last contributions on constrained palette-space exploration. This presentation is a preview of the technical session that will take place the 1st August 2017 at Siggraph in Los Angles.

Program : – Fast Forward by David – Presentation by Nicolas

More details about the paper can be found here :

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Seminar 07/07 Sigg’17 papers presentation

This week’s seminar will be dedicated to several technical papers that will be presented this summer in Siggraph 2017. Each paper will be introduced by a fast presentation to emphasize the main contributions.

The program includes the following presentations: • Unmixing-Based Soft Color Segmentation for Image Manipulation, by Jean-Jacques • Decomposing Images into Layers via RGB-space Geometry, by David • Learning Hierarchical Shape Segmentation and Labeling from Online Repositories, by Anahid • FlowRep : Descriptive Curve Networks for Free-Form Design Shapes, by Xavier • Fluxed Animated Boundary Method, by Baptiste • Bounding Proxies for Shape Approximation, by Céline • BundleFusion: Real-time Globally Consistent 3D Reconstruction using Online Surface Re-integration, by Thibault • Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions, by Nadine


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Seminar 04/14 EG Fast-Forward Rehearsal

This very special seminar is dedicated to 3 rehearsal sessions, featuring Valentin, Nadine and Céline.

Covered topics are amazing, and the performances are expected to be outstanding. Obviously, a banana-party will be organized afterward, to celebrate progresses in Science.

Come at 12:30 !…

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Seminar 04/07 by Xavier Chalut

Xavier Chalut is going to present is work on Efficient multi-objects mesh integration on Unity.

Abstract :

I will present my internship  whose central theme is : How to integrate a high-density polygonal model on Unity Engine keeping a good framerate. First, I will approach technical concepts and research papers linked with my subject, meaning mesh simplification and LOD concept.…

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