[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 20/11 – Pierre Mézières – Entraînement JFIG

For the next STORM seminar, I will present my JFIG article :  Projection efficace de lumières sphériques sur les harmoniques sphériques


Les Harmoniques Sphériques (HS) sont très utilisées dans le cadre du rendu temps réel, notamment dans les systèmes utilisant les algorithmes de transfert de radiance pré-calculé. Cependant, leur utilisation est souvent restreinte à des scènes fixes en raison d’une projection trop coûteuse de la contribution lumineuse sur les HS.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 13/11 – Mathias Paulin – Learning how to sample the path space

For the next STORM seminar, Mathias Paulin will give a presentation titled : Learning how to sample the path space


Monte-Carlo methods for light transport simulation rely on efficient sampling of the path-space. In this seminar, we will recall how the light transport simulation problem could be formulated into a Monte Carlo estimator of the esperance of a random variable defined in the path space.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 16/10 – Olivier Hachette – Joint Optimization latest results

For the next STORM seminar, Olivier Hachette will give a presentation titled : Joint Optimization latest results


In this talk, Olivier will explain his pipeline for optimization of joint in the Implicit Skinning method, show the latest results and discuss of current limitations and possible improvements.

This seminar will take place on Friday 16/10 at 12:30pm in room Salle des Thèses at IRIT.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 02/10 – David Vanderhaeghe – Overview of the Structures project

For the next STORM seminar, David Vanderhaeghe will give a presentation titled : Overview of the Structures project


The project Structures: hierarchical motion representation for stylized rendering is a resarch project funded by the ANR (ANR-19-CE38-0009-01). Our approach is a combination of novel computer graphics techniques with a research and creation approach where artists, computer graphics scientists and art scientists merge their abilities and working approaches to produce new knowledge and techniques.I…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 11/09 – François Desrichard – Shadow Layers for Participating Media

For the next STORM seminar, François Desrichard will give a presentation titled : Shadow Layers for Participating Media


Global Illumination Shadow Layers is a technique to extract shadows inside separate images during rendering. These layers can then be used by compositing artists to carry out image-space edits. For now, only surface objects are supported by the method; I will present its generalization to participating media.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 17/07 – Nicolas Mellado – Code Replicability in Computer Graphics

For the next STORM webinar, Nicolas Mellado will present the SIGGRAPH paper in which he participated as co-autor: Code Replicability in Computer Graphics.

Abstract Being able to duplicate published research results is an important process of conducting research whether to build upon these findings or to compare with them. This process is called “replicability” when using the original authors’artifacts (e.g.,…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 10/07 – Visibility in global illumination and real-time – Pierre Mézières

For the next STORM seminar, I will give a presentation titled : Visibility in global illumination and real-time.

Abstract In real-time rendering of global illumination, indirect shadows are a difficult challenge. When using virtual point light-based methods, visibility means being able to calculate the visibility between any point in a 3D scene and hundreds of lights.…

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