Seminar 19/03 – Johanna Delanoy – Outils digitaux pour la création visuelle: utiliser la perception pour faciliter le processus créatif

For the next STORM seminar, Johanna Delanoy will give a presentation titled : Outils digitaux pour la création visuelle: utiliser la perception pour faciliter le processus créatif. This seminar will be presented in French.


Les artistes s’appuient de plus en plus sur le digital dans leurs outils de création, que ce soit pour la création professionnelle (film, animation, design d’objet) ou amateur.…

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Seminar 05/03 – Chems-Eddine – Point cloud edge detection network

For the next STORM seminar, Chems-Eddine will give a presentation titled :Point cloud edge detection network


I’ll talk about PCEDNet, and the network side of point cloud analysis, the paper and what we learned from the experiment.

This seminar will take place online on Friday 05/03 at 12:30pm.(If you want to attend the seminar, do not hesitate to ask for the zoom link.)…

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Seminar 12/02 – Nicolas Barroso – Hierarchical motion representation for stylized rendering

For the next STORM seminar, Nicolas Barroso will give a presentation titled :Hierarchical motion representation for stylized rendering


Animation movies show great media of artistic expression, allowing artists to convey powerful narrations, while not being limited to the existing range of shapes and motions. Unfortunately, they are significantly tedious and time consuming to produce.…

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Seminar 05/02 – Hugo Rens – Precomputing path tracing in volumes : update

For the next STORM seminar, Hugo Rens will give a presentation titled : Precomputing path tracing in volumes : update


This seminar is a follow-up on a precedent seminar that talked about our ongoing work to view, in the context of volumetric rendering, some bounded participating medium as a filter, taking an incident radiance field and producing an exitant radiance field, that would correspond to the energy scattered by the volume.…

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Seminar 22/01 – François Desrichard – A High-Level Overview of Path Guiding

For the next STORM seminar, François Desrichard will give a presentation titled : A High-Level Overview of Path Guiding

AbstractIn this seminar, I will present Path Guiding, a Monte Carlo global illumination algorithm which has recently gained traction in production. After a few considerations on the related Path Tracing algorithm, I will begin with the Practical Path Guiding formulation of 2017.…

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Seminar 15/01 – Loïc Barthe – Reading group

For the next STORM seminar, Loïc Barthe will animate a reading group about : Non-linear sphere tracing for rendering deformed signed distance fields

Abstract from the paperSigned distance fields (SDFs) are a powerful implicit representation for modeling solids, volumes and surfaces. Their infinite resolution, controllable continuity and robust constructive solid geometry operations, coupled with smooth blending, enable powerful and intuitive sculpting tools for creating complex SDF models.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 08/01 – Nicolas Mellado – Reading group : Monte Carlo Geometry Processing

For the next STORM seminar, Nicolas Mellado will animate a reading group about :  Monte Carlo Geometry Processing: A Grid-Free Approach to PDE-Based Methods on Volumetric Domains(The Siggraph presentation may be a good way to discover the paper)Abstract from the paperThis paper explores how core problems in PDE-based geometry processing can be efficiently and reliably solved via grid-free Monte Carlo methods.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 11/12 – Amélie Fondevilla – Reading group : Differentiable vector graphics rasterization for editing and learning

For the next STORM seminar, Amélie Fondevilla will animate a reading group about :  Differentiable vector graphics rasterization for editing and learning


The authors propose a differentiable rasterizer to allow creation and edition of vector images through their bitmap version. Their method is based on 3D differentiable rendering, but applied to the rasterization of 2D SVG files.I…

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