Seminar 15/10 – Laurent Thongkham – Clustering brushstrokes for painting animation

For the next STORM seminar, Laurent Thongkham will give a presentation titled : Clustering brushstrokes for painting animation


For the end of my internship, I will present the approach I took in order to cluster brushstrokes for the purpose of creating an automatic animation tool in painting style.

This seminar will take place on Friday 15/10 at 12:30pm in room Salle des Thèses at IRIT.…

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Seminar 02/07 – Yaniss Nyffenegger-Pere – An Accelerated Line-Sampling Monte-Carlo Algorithm.

For the next STORM seminar, Yaniss Nyffenegger-Pere will give a presentation titled : An Accelerated Line-Sampling Monte-Carlo Algorithm


Estimations of radiative quantities in the Earth atmosphere need to describe as accurately as possible the absorption phenomenon wich is strongly dependant on spatial and frequential dimension. We address this question in a Monte-Carlo context, where discretes probabilities are used to deal with this absorption, the difficulty being the research of a set of probabilities.…

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Seminar 21/05 – David Coeurjolly – Hands-on: Discrete Calculus on Polygonal Meshes

For the next STORM seminar, David Coeurjolly will give a presentation titled : Hands-on: Discrete Calculus on Polygonal Meshes


The objective of this talk will be to sketch notions of calculus on generic meshes (triangular, polygonal non-convex non-planar faces, non-manifold edges…) with a practical point of view. In the literature, there are many ways to discretize calculus on discrete surfaces but I would like to show that implementations can be straightforward, leading to efficient codes for geodesic computations, surface parametrization, surface smoothing/fairing… I will conclude with further ongoing projects on that topic.…

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Seminar 30/04 – Gauthier Bouyjou – PostFX Shadow Layers

For the next STORM seminar, Gauthier Bouyjou will give a presentation titled : PostFX Shadow Layers


The rendering of a computer generated image records not only a “photo” image of the scene, but also other information in the form of 2D layers, such as the distance to the viewpoint,the orientation of surfaces, and the unique identifiers of each represented object.…

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