[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 11/09 – François Desrichard – Shadow Layers for Participating Media

For the next STORM seminar, François Desrichard will give a presentation titled : Shadow Layers for Participating Media


Global Illumination Shadow Layers is a technique to extract shadows inside separate images during rendering. These layers can then be used by compositing artists to carry out image-space edits. For now, only surface objects are supported by the method; I will present its generalization to participating media.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 17/07 – Nicolas Mellado – Code Replicability in Computer Graphics

For the next STORM webinar, Nicolas Mellado will present the SIGGRAPH paper in which he participated as co-autor: Code Replicability in Computer Graphics.

Abstract Being able to duplicate published research results is an important process of conducting research whether to build upon these findings or to compare with them. This process is called “replicability” when using the original authors’artifacts (e.g.,…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 10/07 – Visibility in global illumination and real-time – Pierre Mézières

For the next STORM seminar, I will give a presentation titled : Visibility in global illumination and real-time.

Abstract In real-time rendering of global illumination, indirect shadows are a difficult challenge. When using virtual point light-based methods, visibility means being able to calculate the visibility between any point in a 3D scene and hundreds of lights.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Seminar 12/06 – Amélie Fondevilla – Generating stylized animation

For the next STORM webinar, Amélie Fondevilla will give a presentation titled : Generating stylized animation

Abstract Animation movies are great media of artistic expression, allowing artists to convey powerful narrations, while not being limited to the existing range of shapes and motions. Unfortunately, they are significantly more time consuming and thus expensive than their live-action counterparts.…

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[storm][storm-seminar] Webinar 05/06 – Interns

For the next STORM webinar, Interns will present their internship topic. Here is the title and abstract of their internship topic.

Loïc Robert : Skull Retro-distorsion.

After millennia underground, any piece of History can get damaged. It doesn’t except human and animals bones. In this work we focus on the deformation of crushed skulls, in order to estimate the original undeformed shape (a process called retro-distortion).… Read More »

CGAL offers Point-Cloud registration thanks to OpenGR

We are proud to announce that the opensource library OpenGR is now shipped with CGAL, alongside libPointMatcher, to offer fast and reliable point-cloud registration.

Checkout more details on CGAL website: https://www.cgal.org/2020/03/23/Registration/

This news appears also here:

Really proud to see this project now available !Congrats Necip Fazil Yildiran https://t.co/OA1wawP34l

— Nicolas Mellado (@nmellado0) March 25, 2020Read More »