
Team picture, summer 2024


Permanent staff

Mathias Paulin

Mathias Paulin

Full Professor


Loic Barthe

Loic Barthe

Full Professor


David Vanderhaeghe

David Vanderhaeghe

Head, Associate Professor


Nicolas Mellado

Nicolas Mellado

Researcher, CNRS


Associate Members

Thibault Lejembre

Thibault Lejembre

Associate Professor at EPITA/LRE


Mégane Bati

Mégane Bati

Post-Doc (Laplace laboratory)

Monte-Carlo computation


Jules Vidal

Jules Vidal

Topological analysis of point clouds

Morgane Gérardin

Morgane Gérardin

BSDF parameter estimation

PhD Students

Nicolas Barroso

Nicolas Barroso

Advisor: David Vanderhaeghe
Chems-Eddine Himeur

Chems-Eddine Himeur

Advisors: Nicolas Mellado, Loïc Barthe

CIFRE fundings by AlphaWind

François Gaits

François Gaits

Advisors: Nicolas Mellado, Adrian Basarab (CREATIS)
Pierre Cuquel

Pierre Cuquel

Advisors: Loïc Barthe, Nicolas Mellado, Dominique Longin
Wilhem Barbier

Wilhem Barbier

Advisor: Mathias Paulin
Doriand Petit

Doriand Petit

Advisors: Loïc Barthe, Steve Bourgeois (CEA), Vincent Gay-Bellile (CEA), Florian Chabot (CEA)

Funded by CEA

Zicheng Wang

Zicheng Wang

Advisors: Mathias Paulin, David Giguet (Renault)

CIFRE fundings by Renault Software Labs Toulouse

Antoine Lafon

Antoine Lafon

Advisors: Nicolas Mellado, Loïc Barthe, Pol Kennel (YellowScan)

Co-funded by YellowScan and Région Occitanie

Léo Arnal

Léo Arnal

Advisors: Nicolas Mellado, Loïc Barthe


Gauthier Bouyjou

Gauthier Bouyjou

Medical Imaging and AR

T-PLAY Platform

Nessim Dahmani

Nessim Dahmani

3D Animation

Structures ANR Project

Adrien Nautré

Adrien Nautré

Point Cloud Processing and Machine Learning

Maturation Toulouse Tech Transfer - Start-up RollingDot

Amaël Marquez

Amaël Marquez

Point Cloud Processing and Machine Learning

STORM Group - Start-up RollingDot


Anaïc Bains

Anaïc Bains

Master 2 - Point Cloud Processing

Arthur Chiron

Arthur Chiron

Master 2 - Point Cloud Processing for Archeological studies


Aziz Niyazov (PhD student 2020-2023) – HCI and Computer Graphics
Amael Marquez (Master 2 Intern 2023) – 3d point cloud rendering
Linda Ablaoui (Master 2 Intern 2023) – 3d point cloud clustering
Léo Arnal (Master 2 Intern 2023) – Descriptor computation on 3d point clouds
Antoine Lafon (Master 2 Intern 2023, YellowScan) – 3d point cloud denoising
Anaïs Bains (Master 1 Intern 2023) – Descriptor computation on 3d point clouds
Daniel Zeng (Bachelor Intern 2023) – Topological analysis of point clouds
Camille Bausson (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Painting Brush Modeling
Pierre Mézières (PhD student 2019-2022) – Spherical Harmonics in Real Time Rendering
Antoine Lafon (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Curvature in Screen Space
Léo Arnal (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Line Reconstruction in Point Clouds
Linda Ablaoui (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Normal Estimation in Point Clouds
Mathilde Rallier (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Artist Animation : Stylized Animation
Valentin Despio-Pujo (Master 1 Intern 2022) – Stylized Animation Software
Lowin Kossel (Master 1 Intern 2021-2022) Radium: Ray Tracer
Marco Andres Flores Figueroa (Master 1 Intern 2021-2022) – Stylized Animation Software
Matthieu Gomiero (Master 2 Intern 2022) – kd-Tree Grouped Queries
Olivier Hachette (PhD student 2018-2021) – Implicit Skinning
Léo Barbarie (Licence 3 Intern 2022) – PyPonca: Ponca in Python
Tony Defretas (Licence 3 Intern 2022) – Radium: I/O Extension
Romain Dijoux (Licence 3 Intern 2022) – Radium: Material Editor
Pénélope Delabrière (Licence 3 Intern 2022) – Radium: Computation Graph by Dataflow
Nessim Dahmani (Master 2 Intern 2021-2022, next position: Nintendo European R&D) – Radium: Render Graph
Francois Desrichard (PhD student 2018-2021) – Analysis of the Path Space for Light and Shadow Compositing
Amélie Fondevilla (post-doc 2019-2021) – Animation of virtual paintings
Laurent Thongkham (Master 2 intern 2021) – Segmentation of digital paintings
Pierre Cuquel (Master 2 Intern 2021) – Spiking Neural Networks
Sébastien Egner (Master 2 Intern 2021) – Point cloud processing
An Thuyen Duong Nguyen (Master 2 Intern 2021) – Medical Imaging
Jie Shao (PhD student 2018-2021) – Point cloud registration and processing
Charlie Grand (Undergrad Intern 2021) – 3D camera management
Thibault Lejemble (PhD student 2017-2020) – 3D Point-Cloud analysis
Clément Rodrigues-Viguier|Méso|Star (Engineer 2019-2020) – Color-palette exploration
Florian Canezin (Engineer 2018-2020) – Implicit Skinning
Wilhem Barbier (Undergrad Intern 2020) – Monte-Carlo Radiative Forcing
Yann-Situ Gazull (Master ENS 2020) – Color-Palette Exploration
Louahadj Inès (Undergrad Intern 2020) – Stroke-Based Rendering
Loïc Robert (Undergrad Intern 2020) – Mesh deformation
Fateh Benmerzoug (PhD student 2016-2020) –  Compression and visualization of seismic data
Anahid Ghazanfarpour (PhD student 2015-2019) – Mesh decimation
Filippo Andrea Fanni (Master 2 Intern 2019) – Structural Color Processing
Robin Rouphael (Undergrad Intern 2019) – Physically-Based rendering
Solange Roelants (Undergrad Intern 2019) – Implicit Skinning
Kévin Licari (Undergrad Intern 2019) – Structural Color Processing
Nadine Abu Rumman (Post-doc 2016-2018) – Character skinning
Baptiste Angle (PhD student 2015-2018, next position: Apple) – Implicit models
Céline Michaud (PhD student 2014-2018, next position: Oktal SE) – Appearance preserving LoDs for meshes
Claudio Mura (Visiting post-doc – 2018) – 3D Point-Cloud analysis and reconstruction
Even Entem (PhD student 2014-2018) – Reconstruction from sketches
Valentin Roussellet (PhD student 2014-2018, next position: Activision) – Character skinning
Paul Bernardi (Master 2 Intern 2018) – Structural Color Processing
Sara Caballero Bruno (Undergrad Intern 2018) – Structural Color Processing
Gwendal Patat (Undergrad Intern 2018) – Rendering
Sandra Alfaro-Romero (Undergrad Intern 2018) – Development OpenGR
Alban Odot (Master 1 Intern 2018) – Fluid simulation
Baptiste Delos (Undergrad Intern 2017, Master 1 Intern 2018) – Structural Color Processing
Davuth IA (Transfer Engineer 2017, next position: Techform) – 3DSI
Arezou Fatemi (Undergrad Intern 2017) – Real-Time Rendering
Xavier Chalut (Master 2 Intern 2017) – Real-Time Rendering
Matthieu Locussol (Undergrad Intern 2017)
Axel Colas (Undergrad Intern 2017)
Sofiane Tardami (Undergrad Intern 2017)
Verdiana De Fino (Undergrad Intern 2017)
Suzanne Sorli (Undergrad Intern 2017)
Thomas Subileau (PhD student 2012-2016, next position: Diginext)