From 20 to 22 May 2019, the SMAC group organizes a training course on AMAS (Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems) with the support of  the University of Toulouse III.


  • Discover core concepts of Multi-Agent Systems
  • Acquire the fundamental principles of AMAS
  • Learn how to identify use cases of AMAS for domains such as planification, control, optimisation…


2 days of theoretical courses plus a day on practical training on use cases.
Introductory leaflet available in French.

Agenda available in French.


Targeted audience

  • Engineers and researchers in fields such as IoT, robotics, Big Data, aeronautics, smart cities, energy, 4.0 industry 4.0…
  • Eager to design and build, in an innovative way, open, heterogeneous, dynamic and/or non-linear systems.


Open !

See the introductory leaflet.

  • 2 days: 800€/person
  • 3 days: 1000€/person (luch included)