
Some tools and applications were implemented, most of the time during PhD or master thesis, not necessarily during projects, in order to validate in an empirical way, approaches considered in the different research fields studied by the SMAC group:

  • GAMA: Modeling and simulation development environment for building spatially explicit agent-based simulations.
  • AMAK : A Java framework aiming at facilitating the development of multi-agent systems.
  • Links : A tool to visualize agents and their relations over time.
  • JavAct : Java library for programming concurrent,distributed and mobile agent-based applications.
  • MAY (Make Agents Yourself) : Tool to reduce the development effort of agent-based applications by bringing the development support closer to the business needs through the building of component-based software architectures and reuse of components.
  • MASC (Multi-Agent for Supply Chaining) : Platform for studying a case study, proposed in the Colline (Collectif Interaction Emergence) working group, about supply chain managment.
  • MASCODE : Tool for aircraft preliminary designin which agents are the disciplines, the design parameters and the performances of the airplane.
  • socLab (Social Laboratory) : Environment dedicated to the study of social organizations.
  • EPE (Emergent Programming Environment): Environment enabling the design of complex adaptive systems, based on emergence and multi-agent systems, so as to meet the future needs in computer science.
  • Equation solving: for equations such as  Equationwhere Ais are unknowns and Tis are theoretical values to be found.