SYNthesis tools for Aeronautical MEChanisms design

Projet #GRD1-2001-40202 under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme (1998-2002)

Dates: 01/12/2001 – 31/05/2004
Funding: European Community

  • SMATECH SA (Coordinateur), Belgium
  • Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A., Italy
  • Cranfield University, England
  • SNECMA Moteurs, France
  • Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques (SABCA), Belgium
  • Universidad Nacional del Litoral Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnologico para la Industria Quimica (INTEC), Argentina
  • Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III (IRIT/SMAC group), France

Objectives of the Research Project

The objective of this project is to build an integrated general-purpose software for the structural (type) and dimensional syntheses of mechanisms, starting from a specification of functional requirements. The same tool may be used during the complete design work, not only during the type synthesis from scratch but also during the dimensional optimisation of the meshed mechanism. The objective function may be path generation, function generation, rigid-body guidance and/or any combination thereof. Constraints on occupied area, volume and/or displacement (i.e. territorial constraints) are applied at this stage.

The new piece of software to be developed will add functionality to the existing software already owned by partners and currently used in industry. The developed methods and tools will be applied to practical industrial cases in the field of aeronautics.

Description of the Work

The software development activities will be executed in four stages. Firstly, a complete specification of the entire system to be developed will be made. The result of this first step, as system specification, will be presented at Milestone 1. The second step will be the separate development of six functional modules. The results of this second step, as standalone prototypes, will be demonstrated at Milestone 2. The third step will be the integration and concurrent development of the separate prototypes within the SYNAMEC system. This integrated system will perform the synthesis and analysis of aeronautical mechanisms. The result of this third step, as an integrated software prototype for synthesis and analysis of aeronautical mechanisms, will be demonstrated at Milestone 3. The fourth step will be an extension of this integrated system to perform optimisation tasks. The result of this fourth step, as synthesis system for aeronautical mechanisms design, will be demonstrated at Milestone 4. The development activities will be based on several existing software prototypes owned by the consortium partners, which will guarantee a stable foundation and reduces the risk of the development activities.

The main project output will be a software demonstrator for conceptual and detailed design of aeronautical mechanisms. The consortium will deliver the research and development work in eight work packages (WPs). WP1 is for the complete system specification. WP2 up to WP5 will develop the different functional modules: WP2. Mechanism synthesis; WP3. Optimisation/algorithms; WP4. Mechanism analysis; WP5. GUI development and software integration. WP6 will test the software demonstrators. Two WPs are added, one for the exploitation and dissemination of results, and the other for project management.

Expected Results

Four milestones will indicate progress on the expected main results:

  • System specification (report).
  • Standalone software prototypes for (1) Type synthesis; (2) Computation of sensitivities; (3) Configuration generation; (4) Expert advisor; (5) Generation of alternatives; (6) Performance evaluation.
  • Integrated software prototype for synthesis of aeronautical mechanisms.
  • Demonstrator software for aeronautical mechanisms synthesis and optimisation.


  • CAPERA Davy – Systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs pour la résolution de problèmes: Application à la conception de mécanismes – Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT, Toulouse III, 23 juin 2005.
  • PhD Thesis slides (in French, without videos, 1.8 Mo and with videos 44 Mo, zipped)
  • CAPERA Davy, GLEIZES Marie-Pierre, GLIZE Pierre – Mechanism Type Synthesis Based on Self-Assembling Agents – Journal of Applied Intelligence Artificial, Volume 18, Numbers 9-10, October – December 2004, pp 921-936.
  • PICARD Gauthier, CAPERA Davy, GLEIZES Marie-Pierre, GLIZE Pierre – A Sample Application of ADELFE Focusing on Analysis and Design – The Mechanical Synthesis Problem – Fifth International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agents World (ESAW’04), Toulouse, France, October 20-22, 2004.
  • CAPERA Davy, PICARD Gauthier, GLEIZES Marie-Pierre – Applying ADELFE Methodology to a Mechanism Design Problem – Poster at the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004), New York City, New York – July 19, 2004
  • CAPERA Davy – Self-Organizing Agents for Mechanical Design – First European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS’03), Oxford, UK, 2003
  • CAPERA Davy – Mechanical Synthesis Solver : Autoassemblage de systèmes mécaniques – Démonstration lors des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, JFSMA’03, 27-29 novembre 2003, Hammamet, Tunisie.
  • CAPERA Davy, GLEIZES Marie-Pierre, GLIZE Pierre – Self-Organizing Agents for Mechanical Synthesis – The First International Workshop on Engineering Self-Organising Applications (ESOA’03) Melbourne, Australia, July 2003.
  • CAPERA Davy – Systèmes multi-agent adaptatifs pour la conception de systèmes mécaniques – EDIT’03 – Colloque des doctorants de l’EDIT (Ecole Doctorale Informatique et Télécommunications, 14-15 Avril 2003.