Project supported by the FUI, thanks to Oseo

Dates: 2010 – 2012

Contact for SMAC: Frédéric Migeon

Objectives of the Research Projet

The main technical objectives of ORIANNE are the following:

  • To design, develop and validate the computer hardware.
  • To develop an AUTOSAR ICC1-compatible piece of software, with stategies coded according to the AUTOSAR software components norm. These strategies would be based on an access layer (RTE) to hardware resources in order to improve porting and integration of system functions.
  • To develop a state-of-the-art library of motor control strategies which will be part of the layout platform.
  • To develop and validate an automatic calibration process for the motor control functions.
  • To develop and integrate strategies for managing energy and supervising hybrid motorizations.
  • To prove the feasibility and the relevance of the ORIANNE concept thanks to the development of a vehicle prototype.