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CAPARI : du CAmpus PArtagé à la Région Intelligente (From a shared Campus to a Smart Region)

Call “Recherche et Sociétés”

Dates: 2018 – 2020


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Contact for SMAC: Christine Régis

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Objectives of the research project

The objective of this project is to analyse daily life on three university campuses (University Toulouse Jean Jaurès, University Paul Sabatier and Institut National Universitaire Champollion in Albi) and how the use of digital technologies contributes to improving access to services by taking into account the challenges of sustainable development. It will also focus on activities that link what happens on campuses to the territories or neighbourhoods in which they are located.

A major survey is planned for these three Campuses in 2019. It will be addressed to students, teacher-researchers, administrative staff, as well as to employees of service companies working on the Campuses. The investigation, by means of questionnaires, will continue within focus groups that will make it possible to produce a whole series information on Campus users and their use of digital technologies. Starting from this basis, it will be necessary to develop a prototype of a digital application that makes sense by sustainable development and which will be tested on the Campuses.

Two foreign university campuses: Universidad Pontifical Bolivariana de Medellin in Colombia and University of Wollongongong in Australia, were also interested in this project and conducted the same survey on their own campuses.