
SMAC has worked on many (past or one-going) projects and has developed several tools and applications. You can also visit our page dedicated to PhDs.

We collaborate(d) with industrial parterns (see below) and alors with other academic research laboratories

DocuDoku   Oktal-Sydac
meteo*Swift SuniBrain Berger-Levrault
Airbus DCNS Enedis
Idees-3com InteropSys Artal technologies
Sogeti High Tech Sopra Steria Intuilab
Telegrafik Telemedicines technologies Orange
RAGT 2n Euralis Semences Brennus Analytics
Renault Sabca Snecma
Serma Ingénierie Aboard Engineering Delta technologies
Sofresud ClearPriority Labinal
  FH Electronics
  Météo France