Startech M1 MP2I

FabSpace’s Startech is a program designed to encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills among college students and young researchers. The 2021 edition confirmed the concept as well as the interest of the participants in the support offered by the Startech.

This recent edition of the Startech program, organized in Toulouse from September to December 2021, has generated the same enthusiasm as in previous years. This year the theme of the research was the Analysis of Earth Observation data.
The objective of the 2021 edition is to offer Master students in the field of industrial and innovative project management the opportunity to discover the fundamentals of entrepreneurship through practice, based on an innovative teaching method.

Starting from the idea of creating a project, an application or a company, three teams worked on the creation of applications leading to the analysis of Earth observation data, through weekly coaching. The participants were 13 students, 9 of them girls and 4 boys.

Participants acted as project leaders, turning one of their ideas into marketable products or projects. Students used multimedia and interactive learning tools and were encouraged to do fieldwork to test their business hypotheses with potential customers and competitors.

The entrepreneurial coaches provided feedback and suggestions on the feasibility of each team’s business plan. After two months of intense work, these student teams supported their project in the presence of Geoffroy Labrouche and Philippe Jean-Amans, co-directors of the Master.

Here are the projects supported during Startech 2021:

  • VegeCity : Climate regulation analysis
  • Guide&Sea : Land risk analysis
  • Pretravel : Analysis of Earth Observation data