Designing a Business View of Enterprise Data: An approach based on a Decentralised Enterprise Knowledge Graph

De nos jours, les entreprises gèrent un grand volume de données généralement organisées en “silos”. Chaque “silo de données” contient des données relatives à une unité commerciale spécifique ou à un projet. Cet éclatement des données ne facilite pas la prise de décision nécessitant l’utilisation et le croisement de données provenant de différents silos. Un défi reste donc à relever

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Blockchain-Based Personal Health Records for Patients’ Empowerment

With the current trend of patient-centric health-care, blockchain-based Personal Health Records (PHRs) frameworks have been emerging. The adoption of these frameworks is still in its infancy stage and is dependent on a broad range of factors. In this paper we look at some of the typical concerns raised from a centralized medical records solution such as the one deployed in

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Forward and backward feature selection for query performance prediction

The goal of query performance prediction (QPP) is to automatically estimate the effectiveness of a search result for any given query, without relevance judgements. Post-retrieval features have been shown to be more effective for this task while being more expensive to compute than pre-retrieval features. Combining multiple post-retrieval features is even more effective, but state-of-the-art QPP methods are impossible to

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Blockchain-Based Federated Learning in Medicine

Worldwide epidemic events have confirmed the need for medical data processing tools while bringing issues of data privacy, transparency and usage consent to the front. Federated Learning and the blockchain are two technologies that tackle these challenges and have been shown to be beneficial in medical contexts where data are often distributed and coming from different sources. In this paper

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Internal Data Imputation in Data Warehouse Dimensions

Missing values occur commonly in the multidimensional data warehouses. They may generate problems of usefulness of data since the analysis performed on a multidimensional data warehouse is through different dimensions with hierarchies where we can roll up or drill down to the different parameters of analysis. Therefore, it’s essential to complete these missing values in order to carry out a

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Analysis-oriented Metadata for Data Lakes

Data lakes are supposed to enable analysts to perform more efficient and efficacious data analysis by crossing multiple existing data sources, processes and analyses. However, it is impossible to achieve that when a data lake does not have a metadata governance system that progressively capitalizes on all the performed analysis experiments. The objective of this paper is to have an

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Reverse Engineering Approach for NoSQL Databases

In recent years, the need to use NoSQL systems to store and exploit big data has been steadily increasing. Most of these systems are characterized by the property “schema less” which means absence of the data model when creating a database. This property offers an undeniable flexibility allowing the user to add new data without making any changes on the

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