Open Position

Doctorat financé : Surveillance et modèles de l'énergie et des performances en vue d'un calcul durable à l'échelle Exascale

Contexte L’utilisation de l’informatique de haute performance se développe depuis les études de climatologie jusqu’à la recherche chimique. L’impact accru de ces calculs ouvre le champ de la recherche sur la manière de gérer et de réduire leur consommation d’énergie. Dans le cadre du projet NumPEx, nous visons à développer des compétences et des infrastructures de pointe dans le domaine du calcul exascale. L’un des piliers du projet NumPEx consiste à rendre le calcul exascale durable.

Funded PhD position: Energy and performance monitoring and models towards sustainable Exascale computing

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.

Internship/project position: Real-time distributed system (hardware performance counters, RAPL, ...) monitoring for HPC

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.

Internship/project position: Real-time phase detection for large-scale HPC applications

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.

Internship/project position: Sustainable monitoring of large-scale HPC applications: Reducing data amount to save energy

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.

Sonde dans le noyaux Linux : eBPF pour le monitoring système et réseau

Nature du projet Développement logiciel Description du travail demandé Obtenir des informations dans le noyau linux est compliqué et couteux. Ces informations sur la charge du système, le trafic réseau, la gestion de la mémoire, … sont souvent uniquement accessibles au travers de fichiers systèmes. eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) est une technologie kernel (lancée dans Linux 4.x) qui permet aux programmes d’être exécuté sans devoir modifier le code source du kernel ni ajouter de modules supplémentaires.