

Most of the research works conducted in the SEPIA group address the issue of resource management in datacenters. In the following, we distinguish strategies which specifically target energy optimization in the datacenter (consumption and thermal effects), from works which address the improvement of virtualized datacenter consolidation (which is more general, but may also address energy saving). In a third category, we present works that focussed on the improvement of operating system support (at the level of a single server) in such environments.

Funded PhD position: Energy-aware job scheduling and feedback

Keywords High Performance Computing, energy-aware scheduling, CO2 impact, energy-efficiency Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. The PhD is in the context of the NumPEx project which aims at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable.

Funded PhD position: Sufficiency in cloud distributed datacenters

Context Datacenters are computing infrastructures that host most of the services available on the internet. As datacenters may include from thousands to millions of servers, both their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This PhD takes place in the context of distributed datacenters where some are powered on with renewable energies while others are powered with brown energy.

Funded position: Orchestration of elastic application in the edge-cloud continuum

Keywords Edge cloud, container as a service, elasticity, orchestration, sustainability Context The subject is in context of the IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services a European project. More precisely in the E2CC project leaded by Atos. The E2CC project aims to provide a standardized integration layer from Edge to Cloud, constituting a technological repository enabling interconnection with Cloud providers and ensuring functions relating to cybersecurity, decarbonization and orchestration. Hardware and software solutions will be provided at Bare Metal as a Service (BMaaS) and Edge levels, to support applications expressing needs in terms of performance, security and energy efficiency.

M2 Internship. Sustainable Simulation of Edge Services

Context Data centers are computing infrastructures that host most of the services available on the internet. As data centers may include thousands of servers, both their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This internship takes place in the context of centralized (Cloud) and decentralized (Edge, Fog) infrastructures. Various ideas emerge from research / R&D to reduce the impact of computing infrastructures, and these ideas must be evaluated.

Funded PhD position: Sustainable Simulation of Edge Services

Context Data centers are computing infrastructures that host most of the services available on the internet. As data centers may include thousands of servers, both their energy consumption and their carbon footprint are significant. This has led many research projects to focus on optimizing these two objectives. This PhD takes place in the context of centralized (Cloud) and decentralized (Edge, Fog) infrastructures. Various ideas emerge from research / R&D to reduce the impact of computing infrastructures, and these ideas must be evaluated.

Développement de scénarios SLICES : Lier l’IoT et le Cloud

Le présent sujet de stage s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet européen SLICES, dont l’objectif est la création d’une Infrastructure de Recherche (IR) pour le traitement numérique de la donnée, allant du capteur connecté (IoT) au traitement de données (Cloud), en passant par les protocoles réseau. Cette IR, en gestation, sera composée, entre autres, de nœuds comme ceux présents sur Toulouse, sur G5k [1] et LocURa4IoT [2]. L’objectif du stage est de proposer et expérimenter plusieurs scénarios illustrant cette IR.

Doctorat financé : Surveillance et modèles de l'énergie et des performances en vue d'un calcul durable à l'échelle Exascale

Contexte L’utilisation de l’informatique de haute performance se développe depuis les études de climatologie jusqu’à la recherche chimique. L’impact accru de ces calculs ouvre le champ de la recherche sur la manière de gérer et de réduire leur consommation d’énergie. Dans le cadre du projet NumPEx, nous visons à développer des compétences et des infrastructures de pointe dans le domaine du calcul exascale. L’un des piliers du projet NumPEx consiste à rendre le calcul exascale durable.

Funded PhD position: Energy and performance monitoring and models towards sustainable Exascale computing

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.

Internship/project position: Real-time distributed system (hardware performance counters, RAPL, ...) monitoring for HPC

Context High Performance Computing usage is growing from climate science studies to chemical research. The increased impact of these computation opens the field of research on how to manage and reduce their energy consumption. In the NumPEx project we aim at developing state-of-the-art skills and infrastructures in the field of exascale computing. One of the pillars of NumPEx focuses on making exascale computing sustainable. To make informed cluster-level scheduling decisions and to provide feedback to users, information on the whole infrastructure is needed.