Jpetiot/ January 8, 2004/ Previous

Project N°: FP6-507752


March 2004- February 2008


MUSCLE is an EC-sponsored Network of Excellence that aims at establishing and fostering closer collaboration between research groups in multimedia datamining and machine learning. The Network integrates the expertise of over forty research groups working on image and video processing, speech and text analysis, statistics and machine learning. The goal is to explore the full potential of statistical learning and cross-modal interaction for the (semi-) automatic generation of robust meta-data with high semantic value for multimedia documents.

In particular, MUSCLE researchers are developing software tools and research strategies to enable users to move away from labor-intensive case-by-case modelling of individual applications, and allow them to take full advantage of generic adaptive and self-learning solutions that need minimal supervision.

Major MUSCLE work areas are:

Evaluation, Integration and Standards, Visual Content Indexing, Content Description for Audio, Speech and Text, Multimodal Processing and Interaction, Machine Learning and Computation Applied to Multimedia, Dissemination towards Industry and Showcasing activity.


More than 40 academics partners

 (see:,com_contact/Itemid,3/ )

 People involved in SAMOVA team and their tasks

Khalid Daoudi :   leader of the E-Team 11 on Dynamic Kernels

The purpose of E-Team activities is to stimulate scientific collaboration between different MUSCLE partners on research themes of common interest.

Jérôme Louradour and Khalid Daoudi and Edouardo Sanchez: Machine Learning and Computation Applied to Multimedia workpackage ‘kernel methods’

Philippe Joly : Evaluation Showcase

This showcase is a demonstration of the wide range of semantic analysis and annotation capabilities developed within MUSCLE.

 Julien Pinquier : Showcase ACADI: Automatic Character (in Audiovisual Document) Indexing

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