
Jpetiot/ January 8, 2012/ Previous


MediaEval is a benchmarking initiative focusing on the evaluation of new algorithms enabling multimedia access and retrieval. Since 2009, many tasks have been evaluated. MediaEval offers datasets to the research community related to the set of selected tasks, the list of which is updated each year. MediaEval also focuses on the ‘multi’ aspect of multimedia (speech, audio, visual content, tags, users, context) as well as  on human and social aspects of multimedia tasks.

SAMoVA participation to the evaluation process

In 2011 and 2012, our team participated to the evalutation process of the Genre Tagging task. This task was considered as an external evaluation of the QUAERO project, especially of the Video Genre Classification task, within the scope of the Multimedia Content Recognition task (10.2). We participated to the setting of the evaluation datasets and to the evaluation process.  


  • This work was also related to the QUAERO Project (2008-2012).


Main publications

Sebastian Schmiedeke, Christoph Kofler, Isabelle Ferrané, Overview of MediaEval 2012 Genre Tagging Task, MediaEval 2012 Workshop, October 4-5, 2012, Pisa, Italy.

Sebastian Schmiedeke, Peng Xu, Isabelle Ferrané, Maria Eskevich, Christoph Kofler,Martha A. Larson, Yannick Estève, Lori Lamel, Gareth J.F. Jones, Thomas Sikora.Blip10000: A social Video Dataset containing SPUG Content for Tagging and Retrieval (regular paper). Dans / In : Multimedia Systeme Conference (MMSys 2013)Oslo, Norway27/02/2013-01/03/2013, Multimedia Systems, (support électronique), février / february 2013.

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