Audiovisual signature

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2016/ Audiovisual Content Structuring

Context The neOCampus operation, started in June 2013, brings together 11 laboratories of the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse: CESBIO, CIRIMAT, ECOLAB, IRIT, LAAS, LAPLACE, LCC, LERASS, LMDC, PHASE and LA, aiming to create a connected, innovative, sustainable and self-adaptative campus to improve everyday comfort, decrease the ecological footprint and reduce operating costs. Since the operation monitors unsupervised users (students, teachers, staff),

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Multimodal Human Robot Interaction

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2014/ Applications

Context  The development of socially interactive robots is a motivating challenge, so that a considerable number of mature robotic systems have been developed during the last decade. Moving such robots out of laboratories, i.e. in private homes, to become robot companions is a deeper challenge because communication between a human and a robotic home assitant must be as natural as

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Segmentation in singer turns

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2014/ Analysis

Context  As part of the DIADEMS project on indexing ethno-musicological audio recordings, segmentation in singer turns automatically appeared to be essential. In our study, we present the problem of segmentation in singer turns of musical recordings and our experiments in this direction by using the MFCC features and exploring a method based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), which are used in

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Deformable / non-deformable object analysis

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2014/ Analysis

Context  The recent tendency in multimedia domain is the semantic video understanding by automatic video analyzing. For that purpose, it is very important to know and study the video contents; i.e. background, actions, objects and their movements to better understand their meaning. Accordingly, object properties are very important issues. One important property which can significantly facilitate the understanding of object

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Spectral Cover

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2013/ Analysis

Context  The analysis of instrumental activities of daily life is an important tool in the early diagnosis of dementia such as Alzheimer. The IMMED project investigates tele-monitoring technologies to support doctors in the diagnostic and follow-up of the illnesses. The project aims to automatically produce indexes to facilitate the doctor’s navigation throughout the individual video recordings. Water sound recognition is

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Multiple sources detection

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2013/ Analysis

Overview Detecting when multiple harmonic sources are present is essential for structuring various type of audio content. We propose a method for detecting area with simultaneous harmonic sources using graph analysis of the tracking of the main frequencies. As our approach seems to work on choir detection, we propose to generalise our approach to identify overlapping harmonic sources using the

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Unison Choir Detection

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2012/ Analysis

The detection of unison choir is a difficult problem as the different singers aims at singing the same thing at the same time. This leads some algorithm to classify such area as monophonic. However, we can observe little divergence between the harmonics of the different singers as shown in the figure below. Example of solo and unison choir part. The

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Multimodal Spatio-temporal clustering

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2012/ Audiovisual Content Structuring

Context  Based on the idea that TV series – which tend to have more and more complex plot, with numerous characters and multiple intertwined stories – are already segmented into narrative themes in post-production, we present a system able to discover the structure of an episode without a priori knowledge. The system proceeds by segmenting the episode into shots, then

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Rhythm estimation

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2010/ Analysis

Overview Rhythm is an important information for understanding audio data. On both music and speech analysis, the rhythm can help to describe and segment different kind of phenomena. The approach we present led us to propose two new representation : The Rhythm Spectrum and the Tempogram Our approach is not based on any musicological or speech knowledge and aims at finding periodicity in changes

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Interaction and Speaker Role Detection

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2010/ Audiovisual Content Structuring

Context  Work on features extraction and segmentation carried out in our team provides sets of low-level features or segments that can be considered as basic events. Their exploitation and their combination carried out in different ways can lead to the detection of new features or events of a higher or more semantic level. In previous work, we have studied temporal relationships between basic audio

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