Automated Audio Captioning

Elabbe/ March 7, 2023/ Modeling, Non classé, Research

Context In recent years, new deep learning systems have been significantly improved for text generation, processing and understanding, leading to the use of free-form text as a global interface between humans and machines. In sound event recognition, most of the tasks are using a predefined set of classes, but human natural language can contain much more information, which could improve

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Speech noise Discrimination with binary mask

Jpinquier/ April 9, 2020/ Non classé

Audio samples come from WSJ (Wall Street Journal) corpus, and noised come from NOISEX-92 corpus. Noise Type Noisy speech Speech isolated Noise isolated White Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element. Volvo Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does

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