Differentiated Modeling

Jpetiot/ January 7, 2002/ Modeling

Context In modling theory, classes share the same representation space (parameterization) and the same kind of modeling. But they can be differentiated behind separate representation spaces and distinct statistical models. For example, note that the differences in production between Word and Music are found naturally in the signal nature themselves: the speech presents a formant structure, while the music shows

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Jpetiot/ January 8, 1999/ Previous

Global Architecture for Search and Indexing RNRT project Schedule  1999-2001 Consortium INA CS Arts Video MEMODATA IRISA INRIA Rhône-Alpes UJF Grenoble-Alpes LiP6 INT People involved in SAMOVA team Philippe Joly Julien Pinquier Jérôme Farinas Régine André-Obrecht


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Jpetiot/ January 8, 1995/ Previous

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