The Sign Language Linguistics List

Revived discussion list for computational sign linguistics


Dear SLLING subscribers:

With the recent discussions of attempts to create automatic spoken-to-sign language "interpreters," my colleague Dan Parvaz and I have decided to revive So-qiwoa, our computational sign linguistics discussion list. Anyone interested in sign language applications of computer technology is welcome to join.

So-qiwoa is a discussion list, not simply an announcement list.

The Gesture-Sign-Lang-Tech list is available for announcements:

If you are interested in joining So-qiwoa,

send an email to <>
saying "subscribe so-qiwoa-l firstname lastname",
for example "subscribe so-qiwoa-l Laurent Clerc".

The first discussion topic will be "Best Practices in Sign Language Technology."

Looking forward to your contributions.

Angus B. Grieve-Smith
Linguistics Department
University of New Mexico