TYPES 2013 Post-proceedings
On July 25, 2014, the volume was published as volume 26 of LIPIcs.
Call for papers: Types for Proofs and Programs,
post-proceedings of TYPES 2013 (open call)
TYPES is a major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects
of type theory and its applications. The post-proceedings of TYPES
2013, which was held in Toulouse, are open to everyone, also those who
did not participate in the conference. We would like to invite all
researchers that study type systems to share their results concerning
type-based theorem proving environments or type-based formal modelling, in
particular we welcome submissions on any topic in the following list:
- Foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics.
- Applications of type theory.
- Dependently-typed programming.
- Industrial uses of type theory technology.
- Meta-theoretic studies of type systems.
- Proof-assistants and proof technology.
- Formalisation of proofs in type theory.
- Extraction of implementations from proofs.
- Automation in computer-assisted reasoning.
- Links between type theory and functional programming.
- Links between type theory and object-oriented programming.
- Type theory in linguistics.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 2013-09-09
Paper submission deadline: 2013-09-16
Notification of acceptance: 2014-02-17
These are all Mondays, and submissions until the next morning 10:00 Paris time are still fine.
- Papers must be submitted in PDF format using EasyChair, see below.
- Authors have the option to include an attachment (.zip or .tgz)
containing mechanised proofs, but reviewers are not obliged to take
these attachments into account. Attachments will not be published
together with the papers.
- The post-proceedings will be published in LIPIcs (Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics,
http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics), an open-access series
of conference proceedings.
- Authors of accepted papers retain copyright, but are expected to sign
an author agreement with Schloss Dagstuhl—Leibniz-Zentrum für
Informatik, see
- For information about how to prepare submissions, see
In addition, please refer to the instructions below for more details.
- We recommend to keep the length of the contributions in the range of
15-25 pages, and 25 pages is the upper limit for the submissions.
- In case of questions, please contact one of the editors.
Ralph Matthes IRIT (CNRS and University of Toulouse), France
Aleksy Schubert University of Warsaw, Poland
Please note and follow the recap of typesetting instructions issued by Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (updated on April 7, 2014 with several new items and more details on already existing ones):
- Use pdflatex and an up-to-date LaTeX system.
- Use further LaTeX packages only if required.
- Add custom made macros carefully and only those which are needed in the document (i.e., do not simply add your convolute of macros collected over the years).
- Do not use a different main font. For example, usage of times-package is forbidden.
- Provide full author names (especially with regard to the first name) in the \author macro and in the \Copyright macro.
- Fill out the \subjclass and \keywords macros. For the \subjclass, please refer to the ACM classification at
- Take care of suitable linebreaks and pagebreaks. No overfull \hboxes should occur in the warnings log.
- Provide suitable graphics of at least 300dpi (preferrably in pdf format).
- Use the provided sectioning macros: \section, \subsection, \subsection*, \paragraph, ... "Self-made" sectioning commands (for example, \noindent{\bf My subparagraph.} will be removed and
replaced by standard LIPIcs style sectioning commands.
- Do not alter the spacing of the lipics.cls style file. Such modifications will be removed.
- Do not use conditional structures to include/exclude content. Instead, please provide only the content that should be published and nothing else.
- Remove all comments, especially avoid commenting large text blocks and using \iffalse ... \fi constructions.
- Keep the standard style (plain) for the bibliography as provided by the lipics.cls style file.
- Use BibTex and provide exactly one BibTex file for your article. The BibTex file should contain only entries that are referenced in the article. Please make sure that there are no errors and warnings with the referenced BibTex entries.
- Use a spellchecker to get rid of typos.
- A manual for the LIPIcs style is available at http://drops.dagstuhl.de/styles/lipics/lipics-authors/lipics-manual.pdf.
(closed for submissions)
Policy to avoid conflicts of interest
Since the PC members of the TYPES'13 meeting and the SC members of the TYPES series are not involved
in the editing process (other than potentially as normal reviewers), they are allowed to submit their work to
the post-proceedings volume. However, a slightly higher quality threshold will be applied. The editors cannot be authors or coauthors of submissions.
Page maintained by:
Matthes https://www.irit.fr/~Ralph.Matthes/
Last modified (date in French): lun. sept. 29 11:20:10 CEST 2014